is this dendro?


Reefing newb
I got this nice frag from someone tearing down their tank(20 bucks)--is it dendro?---also this was the first time the heads opened up...i spot fed with cyclopeeze----any hints on how to make the heads stay open??--thanks


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Yep Sun coral. Also called Dendro. The heads should accept food, just be gentle, and make sure to feed each head individually.
It should be placed in a shaded area. The heads may only open at night, after the lights go out. But you can "train" them to open during the day by feeding them earlier and earlier each time. I'd also recommend feeding something larger in addition to the cyclopeeze. Like mysis or brine (you can use a turkey baster).
thanks----i have it in a recessed area with low med flow...only had it 3 days...will try mysis next--does it eat like a duncan?
If I'm not mistaken it has to be fed every day.

This is a really nice pickup, though. I really want a sun coral at some point. I have no problem feeding it every day. :)
They should be fed every day. I had three different types of dendros/sun corals in my 90. As the tank matured, I backed off on feeding and eventually stopped feeding them altogether. So in an established tank that produces a lot of live food itself, they get by fine, in my experience. But until your tank reaches that point, they need to be target fed frequently.
I doubt my tank will ever be able to support them without me feeding. I think it's too small to produce anything in measurable quantities and my wrasse and scooter would eat anything that is produced before it got to a stationary sun coral. :(
i've got it in a 30 gallon--with an algae scrubber in the sump----tank been up almost 2 years...tons of pods is that the type of food we are talking about?--will spot feed when i see it open--if i go a whole day without it opening i cover with a plastic bottle(half) and spot feed mysis...this usually brings the heads out then i hit each head individually---its an interesting coral but a LOT of work right now
ps the scrubber really keeps up well with the extra load of food--just noticed the little "RAY" of light shining on the coral in the pic...thats kinda funny!
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