On unpaid maternity leave and...

I feel like blowing money on corals. Makes sense right?
Help me out here people...
The LFS has a 3 inch hammer coral. It's beautiful. It's also $55. Worth it?
I want to try some new stuff, different shapes, and not boring ol' zoas and did some research and narrowed it down to these:
blastomussa, kenya tree, long polyp toadstool, colt leather, cabbage leather. Any that should be avoided? Any that you have experience with and I should def try? I tried to pick things that will do ok with my laziness (I am not going to start testing and dosing for cal, alk, blah blah, it's just how I am, I accept it, you should too) I have a flourishing duncan, mushrooms, gsp, palys, yellow polyps, so that's what I have experience with. Easy stuff. And that's what I want to stick with, easyyyy like sundaaayyyy morniiiiing...(ok, so I sing a lot for the baby, like a weirdo)
Any other suggestions?
A 3" hammer will cost you $80 -$100 at my LFS depending on it's color. So yeah,I'd say it's a good buy at $55.

Out of all those you listed. Stay away from the Kenya. They'll take over a tank quick and are nearly impossible to get rid of. I'd rather have a tank full of aiptasia than Kenyas.
I love hammer corals. One of my favorites. My LFS has them for about the same price.

Have you looked at any acans? Just as easy as a hammer and about the same price and you can get some crazy colors. I just picked up a acan this week and it's awesome.

Good luck and have fun,

Thanks for all of your help guys, as always. I crossed Kenya tree off my list and went and got that hammer coral, it has 3 huge heads and is a beautiful green. I'll post pics tomorrow. My birthday is Sunday so my husband found a saltwater store I've never been to; Two Turtles in Akron. Amazing. The guy there was awesome and fragged a small piece of a toadstool leather for me for $15. I'm excited to see how it does.
Think I'm going to order some blastos and a toadstool from an online vendor as I cannot find them around me. I haven't researched acans John, I'll look into them. Love to research more saltwater stuff!
I have some bright green toadstools that I would be happy to give you Sarah if you pay for shipping. They are frags from my big one.
Here's my hammer coral! Not sure where to put it yet, just have it plunked down on the bottom, away from anything it could sting...


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