Colt coral issues


Reefing newb
hey everyone ive been having some issues with my large colt coral, ive have it for ages been great up until about a couple days ago it suddenly has just drooped right over and seems deflated, what's really alarming me is that there's 2 circular holes by the base of it, the tank its in is a 150gal with 250w 10000k x2 halides over top (they need replacing im getting bulbs ordered in) i have a large Long tentical plate coral a big colony of mushrooms pulsing xenia, aussie green polyps along with elephant ear and others. now this week we've had a massive heat wave and my air conditioner/dehumidifier in my fish room decided to kick the can, so my tanks ended up getting a little hot but i did manage to keep them down. the colt has nice flow on it, the tank gets weekly 10% water change also ill have test results later this evening on the water parameters. heres two photos one taken a little wile ago and one how it usally looks.

thanks for any advice!


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Leathers are well known for doing something like this in response to a stressful situation, like moving them or a temp swing. I would give it a few weeks, and it should perk right back up!