Tree and Button

I got my first 2 frags this evening. First one is a green star polyp, the other is green button polyp/leather tree(Kenya? I think) coral on same frag. Do I need to separate them? I thought I did good selecting a few beginner corals, but now after reading more I'm worried buttons will kill the tree being that close.

P.S. I owe you guys pics of a lot lately and promise to post soon. A lot happening in my tank, it's finally comiing to life.
I don't think you have to separate them. They won't kill each other -- but they may run into each other as they grow. That would be the reason why I'd separate them, but I wouldn't say you have to.
Here's a couple pics. I'm not so sure my star polyp is doing so good, but I don't really know what to expect these corals to do since it's my first go at it. As you can see in pic it was opening well today, but now it closed back up on me. It looks like it may have been moved a little. I'm gonna try and reposition powerhead because I think it may be getting to much flow. It don't look green either like at lfs, but that maybe is a difference it lighting.
I think the buttons and tree(Is it a Kenya?) are doing okay other than the button that is closest to the tree keeps closing on that side so they must be bumping each other. To separate them do I just break frag in half with like a hammer and screwdriver?
Both frags are place at mid level in tank, but I'm thinking I am going to put tree toward bottom since it will grow upward.


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I think your GSP looks good, i would glue it down in that spot. and I would also break apart the frag plug like you mention, or cut off the kenya tree and sew it to another frag plug