GSP question


I'm on a boat!
Got some GSP about a week ago... Day 1 they opened up as big as they were at the lfs, they have grown or blossomed or whatever a fair bit since.

But whenever a fish/crab or snail bumps it it completely retracts and doesn't come back for a couple hours.... Do they get less fidigity over time?..

Here is a pic just cause I think it looks pretty cool.


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Also... Nothing is nipping at it or anything.. I watched a snail walk past (crawl?) and bump it with its shell and bye bye Mr. Gsp.
Mine would retract a bit when something crawled on it by not completely. It does take then a little bit to come back out I've noticed.
yeah, but will they stop being so wussy?
I would like them to get to the point where if they get bumped they don't hide like a kid afraid of the boogie man for hours on end.
It's a defense mechanism. It's not a matter of being a wuss. They are doing something that every living thing does to survive. Flight or fight. Most corals do not fight.
GSP appears to be an odd critter. Mine was great, then I rotated it about 1/8 turn while I was cleaning the tank and it completely closed up and didn't reopen. I figured it wasn't getting enough light so I moved it up. 1/2 of it opened back up at that point. Then I installed new lighting so I moved it back down to the sand and boom! Withing an hour the whole thing opened back up.