Midnight nox angel

I saw one of these guys and fell in love. Did my research and last night he became my newest addition. Anyone have any input on these fish. An angel wasn't part of my planned stock, but couldn't resist his beauty. I know I'm gonna be 50/50 with corals now and most likely my planned pair of black ocellaris is not gonna happen now. One thing I'm mainly wondering about is spirulina. I'm reading these guys should have it. Is it really necessary and do I get flake, pellet, or wafers? He has been grazing on my rock, but it don't have a lot of algae on it yet.
my angels EAT everything from brine shrimp to angel formula

try not to feed flakes they mess up the tank fast
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This is Ace. I took about a zillion pics of him trying to get a better one, but all they look like is a black shadow or phantom. He looks super cool in person though.


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