Baby snails.


Reefing newb
just thought i would share the picture, i was cleaning my glass and noticed that my snail had babies on it.

Sorry for bad pick i was in a hurry to get it before he moved.


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Sorry to crush your hopes but kill those tiny snails they are pyramid snails they arent babies they are parasites that are slowly sucking the life out of that turbo snail
-1 Reefy, -1 :(

well i took the two turbo snails i could find and cleaned them off. i will continue to do so till i don't find anymore. thanks for the info, im glad i put it up here other wise i would be loosing some on my clean up crew.
I am at my max on fish, probably a little bit over.
1 marine beta 8"
1 voltaire lionfish 8"
1 bullet Goby 3"
2 Clown fish (one false, one true percula) 1.5"
1 Coral beauty 2.5"
1 snow flake blenny 3"
Plus one bristle stair fish, which creeps me out
and a cleaner skunk shrimp

then 2 Rose tipped bubble anemone and mics, softies, SPS, LPS.

i think thats everything

I am moving out soon so i plan on getting a much bigger tank bu
t i will copper treat all my live rock which is infected with aiptasia. and any that have coral buy a bunch of starved peppermint shrimp and have them go to town.
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But, i do hope all those fish arent in the 36 are they?
Yes they are, as i said im over stocked, but i do have 20X filtration on there.

And i planed on doing it once i had the new one set up and running then treat the old tank with copper, and ill be turning the old tank in to a planted tank too many scratched for a reef tank the algae takes off in all the scratches.

then what is a way i can treat my live rock to kill the aiptasia but not ruin them?
U dont hav to treat ur rock just get some aptasia x and squirt it on those :pooh: heads!!! And u have 2 fish over ur max watch those nitrates!!!
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Once you treat a tank with copper it is virtually impossible to get the copper out and you can't put anything in the tank again that is susceptible to copper. If you plan to make it a planted tank, then I wouldn't put copper in it. If you are wanting to use copper to treat your fish and prevent ich in your new tank, I'd suggest going the hyposalinity route instead so that you can re-use the tank. If you do go with copper, make sure you don't have any live rock, sand, inverts, corals, etc. in the tank, and you'll just have to plan on using the tank for fish quarantine from there on out. If you are only thinking of using copper to get rid of the aptasia, don't use copper - aptasia x works just as well, or you could add a fish that will eat it. With your mix of fish, I think you might be able to add a bristletail filefish which are known aptasia eaters. Hope someone else chimes in on this! I wouldn't add a butterfly though, your fish are just to aggressive for a butterfly.
Use Aiptasia X to kill aiptasia. Using copper to treat aiptasia is like using a nuclear missile to kill a mosquito. If you use copper on your rocks, you will completely ruin your rocks and you won't be able to keep any inverts in that tank again. Copper should never be used in a tank with live rock.
I have heard that copper isn't lethal to plants my brother has used it in his fresh water planted tank to kill off snails with success. i use cuperamine i've hear its less deadly then other brands of copper treatment.

will copper leach from the rocks casue i have a ten gallon quartine tank that i have copper treated with live rock in it. and it seems to still be live rocky with stuff growing on it and what not.

and my plan was to use all the safe rock in the new tank, treat the unsafe rock with copper with my old tank, then carbon filter them out and add them to the new tank then convert old tank in to planted tank

i have used Aptasia X in the past and it works to kill them but new ones seem to come back in weeks. but i just checked the tank last night to find all my snails to clean off the pyramid snails and i noticed that all of my true Aiptasia's are gone and this being three weeks after i added my snowflake blenny have they been know to eat aiptasia's? and now all i have are these green nuisance anemones which i dont mind as much cause there not as ugly. edit they are

to fishy i would love a bristletail filefish it's very cool looking but i have too many fish as it is, maybe when i get the bigger tank i plan on keeping the same type of tank.

to reefy all my test are where they should be the only thing that was wrong was my phosphates were at 10, then i had and odd algae bloom and now it's down to 1 and the algae is gone. ive changed where i get my RO water from the new place is 0 Phos and the old place was 5 phos.
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I was suggesting the bristletail for when you upgrade, not presently. Aiptasia x will kill majanos as well, you just have to keep on top of it. They release spores and it can take a few weeks for them to grow, but if you continue using aptasia x whenever you see an aptasia or majano you will eventually win the battle.

Otherwise, if you chose to go the copper route, as LF says - good luck.... I for one do not recommend doing so.
LF, i wasn't saying i know everything about copper just saying what has happened in the past and asked questions, the main one being does copper leach out of the rock, and why i shouldn't do it other then don't. i hear it destroys live rock, how does it do it? does it essentially bleach it? or is it just bad cause it kills off all of the stuff i bought live rock for? or worse does it absorb copper and then leach it out over time? my experience has been with half dosing the tank, i noticed it helped my sick fish and killed the aptasia and that the rock still has algae on it no coraline but it didn't start with it.

and i probally will get a bristletail for the new tank seems like a cool, and useful addition.
DID YOU DOSE YOUR TANK WITH COPPER!!!!?????:frustrat: The thing with copper is that its deadly to invertabrates so if you dosed your tank with copper you cannot keep shrimps,crabs,corals,snails,hermit crabs,anemones,and anything in the invertabrate categorie and if you reuse the tank,rocks,or sand the copper will still be there:death: and please dont start acting like a few annoying people that ask for advice and dont follow it anyways :grumble: good luck...
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Copper will kill everything but invertebrates, and it will leach into the rocks and sand and you will never ever be able to remove it all. It will just slowly leak out over time, preventing you from keeping anything but fish.