An idea for combining Carbon Dosing with sewage water treatment


Reefing newb
I am about to try carbon dosing. However problem is carbon dozing promotes the growth of ALL kind of micoorganism. Some resourse suggest:

When and how you dose may also impact where they grow. For example, dosing very slowly with a dosing pump just upstream from a large rock filled refugium may encourage growth there, where slow dosing the the display, or once daily bolus dosing anywhere might deliver the vinegar through the whole system and encourage visible growth in the display.

I am thinking instead of refugium, use serial tanks used in sewage water treatment system.(Instead of tank I have buckets and family size drink bottles!)

I am thinking, slow water current should allow the organism inside the buckets to fully utilize the Carbon while removing phosphate and nitrate from the water. Hopefully this would greatly limit the growth into the buckets.As well, it would be much easier to remove a bucket for cleaning.

Please see the image to get my idea

1-what kind media should I use in the buckets (bioballs, sugar size sand, large size sand,..)
2-What should be the water current?
3-Any other suggestions?

Dear all

this is just amazing, those who are searching for the natural source

thanks for these beautiful steps



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