Clown fish with eye growth


Reefing newb
Please look at pictures, low quality but you can see a growth with white spots on the poor fish's eye. Please help with what it is and how to treat


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    31.5 KB · Views: 2,712 it clear? Does it look like a bubble? Looks like an infection of some sort.. Is he eating at all? Anyone picking him? If he's eating, he might get better by himself. Someone with more experience will chime in, but if you can safely catch him w/o causing him more harm, you could treat w/ some type of anti biotic. But without knowing for sure what's wrong, I couldn't advise you on treatment.
Farkee, I'm going to recommend googling "lightening maroon clownfish" - the guy who is keeping this fish has had repeated issues with pop-eye and various bacterial infections. I do not know whether this is what is going on with your fish and cannot make any recommendations as to what you should do for treatment or how to go about it, but reading about this guy's experiences may give you some insight and ideas into the problems your own fish is experiencing. You should definitely do some more research before treating anything though to confirm whether this is bacterial, an injury, parasitic, fungal, etc. Since your pictures aren't great quality, it might help you to look online to see if pictures of other fish with eye injuries, infections, etc. match what you are seeing on your fish to help you try to identify what is going on before you undertake any sort of treatment.