Cheap protein skimmer

I disagree that a cheap skimmer is better than no skimmer. A cheap skimmer may not work at all, then you've thrown away $40 or $50. I'd just save your money until you can get a good one. It doesn't pay off to buy equipment over and over, upgrading each time.
I also looked at this exact same skimmer when I was shopping for a new skimmer.
*I eventually shelled out for a Reef Octopus BH1000 and I was glad I did*.

Some issues with this particular skimmer:
1. This is an "In-Tank" skimmer design. Meaning it has to be on the inside wall of your tank. I have a 55 gallon tank and putting a skimmer inside the tank will take up a lot of valuable real estate.
You could probably get additional tubes to DIY-convert it to an outside or a proper in-sump skimmer, but why not just buy a proper one to begin with?

2. If you plan to put this in a sump then you will need to build a dedicated chamber for the skimmer to raise the water level. But the skimmer and pump assembly also has a large footprint so your skimmer chamber will need to be large enough to accommodate it.

3. Despite its bulk, the actual reaction chamber only appears to be 4 inches tall and 3-1/8 inches in diameter. The multi-blade rotor helps make a lot of bubbles, but still I would prefer a reaction chamber with longer contact time with the water.

4. Notice that one of the pictures on the listing shows the skimmer inside a freshwater aquarium. If they are selling this as a freshwater skimmer, fine. But I bet that would be a very small market :)
4. Notice that one of the pictures on the listing shows the skimmer inside a freshwater aquarium. If they are selling this as a freshwater skimmer, fine. But I bet that would be a very small market :)

Skimmers don't function in freshwater aquariums so it would definitely be a small market lol :Cheers:
I have this skimmer, work fine for me 150g tank, better than instant ocean a had before(got it with samp). I did modify it little, put bigger pump and more air tubes, it skimms now like crazy. Good skimmer for beginners like me
better than instant ocean a had before(got it with samp).

That's not actually saying much. The IO skimmer is virtually a SeaClone clone.
*Who copied who is irrelevent - they both sucked* An airstone skimmer was more effective and reliable than those two.

I did modify it little, put bigger pump and more air tubes, it skimms now like crazy. Good skimmer for beginners like me

That's the thing. If you buy this skimmer for $40.00, then you want to upgrade the pump and get additional tubes that would cost an additional $20.00 then you are already out at least $60.00 for a sub-par skimmer.
Why not just save up and buy a quality skimmer to begin with?

It is not like you absolutely need to get a skimmer ASAP. You can do well with just regular water changes while you save up for a good skimmer.

This "Beginner" concept for equipment is a dangerous (and expensive) mindset.
"Buy this cheaper equipment now until you decide that you want a better one."
What do you do with the old equipment that no one would buy used? That is money down the dumpster.

One would be better of investing in quality equipment that will provide good performance. If you still want to upgrade to premium equipment later on, there will be a decent market for your used equipment because it is a good product.

Granted that the best equipment for this hobby is beyond practical reach for most of us *cough*Vortech*cough*Radion*cough*, that is no reason to dive into the cheapest, sub-par equipment that we would most likely toss due to poor performance.
Even if you cannot afford the best equipment, there is a large selection of mid-range equipment that will provide the performance that you need.

If you already have the $40.00 today, it would not be unrealistic to save up some more and have around $150.00 for a good purchase.

But that is just my opinion.
Im gonna go with everyone else and say no skimmer untill you can get a decent one. A cheap one will only tick you off. My 55g is still running skimmerless, has been a few months now. If i cant find a HOB octo, im gonna start looking into a sump.

Circle your water change days (make sure you dont forget) and make sure you get as much as the poop and gunk as you can out and you should be fine for a while.
well I can give + and -, at this hobby how I anderstainding we need to be more creative, I not gonna go buy just a brands and spend hundreds for devices, just telling every one this skimmer works for me like $500 reef octopus skimmer can provide picture in future, just adjasting level of water outlet you will figer out how much foam needs to be out from sump, yes acril is thin and this is not durable model but it works! And it works for $150 skimmer cost!
well I can give + and -, at this hobby how I anderstainding we need to be more creative, I not gonna go buy just a brands and spend hundreds for devices, just telling every one this skimmer works for me like $500 reef octopus skimmer can provide picture in future, just adjasting level of water outlet you will figer out how much foam needs to be out from sump, yes acril is thin and this is not durable model but it works! And it works for $150 skimmer cost!


First off, I don't think I understood half of what you said.

Second, $150 is about how much several of the Reef Octopus skimmers cost.

Reef Octopus Protein Skimmer | Bulk Reef Supply - English
here is a image


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Thanks everyone, I think I will just hold off for now. I would like to get something that hangs on outside of the tank. Whatever I get will have to hang on side. I only got a couple inches from wall in the back because I just didn't know any better when I set up tank to leave room for equipment.
Check out the Aqua C Remora skimmer. It's an HOB skimmer, it works well, and I believe it's pretty narrow (not a couple of inches narrow -- but you aren't going to find any skimmer that will fit within a couple of inches). Can you hang something off the side?