My First Aquarium and DIY Skimmer

Wow, I missed all the fun here. I'll add one comment by saying I have a 50 Gallon tank and I have 4 turbo snails in there. I had full algae coverage on my rocks. Now, about 2 weeks into haveing 4 turbo's, I have no algae at all! I just put one turbo in the fuge, but I can tell he'll be done eating in about a day down there. Looks like the pet store may get two of these guys back:)

Good call. I assume you have Mexican turbo snails since you say they cleaned up your rocks? If so, two should be sufficient for a 50 gallon tank, and if you don't have a lot of algae, one would be good.
here's a pic of the turbo snail I placed in the fuge.


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Yes, that is a Mexican turbo snail, not an astraea turbo snail. :) You definitely should not have 1 for every 5 gallons for those guys. They are wonderful at destroying almost all types of algae.
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Here you go everyone. Things will look better with the new lighting:)


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Here are my other corals:) Can anyone give me a psotive ID on the little toadstoll looking things. I am not 100% of the actually name.


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Thank you, but I meant the first one. Sorry if I wasn't clear.:frustrat:
I do like the ricordea and it will look really cool under my new lights when they get here.
When I place the brine shrimp mix in the water it acts like powder almost with some small chunks. A lot of it is a dust in the water. I'll see about picking some smaller stuff at the LFS though:) Thanks again
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You really don't need to add anything to feed it. Odds are, if you start adding that type of food, you won't have enough in your tank to eat it, and your water quality will just end up suffering. The feather duster will get what it needs from what is already in your water.
So, I bought a second fire fish today and added him to the tank. The two now are acting like best buds:) It thought maybe they would feel safer together and I think it worked. Also, I bought a peppermint shrimp.
In the bag with the fire fish, I noticed a bunch of orange egg looking stuff. What do you think it is?


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He used a net to pull the fire fish from the tank so I know he didn't scoop something up from the tank. The shrimp was pulled from a separate tank so he said he would put him in a separate bag. I wonder if I keep then in a 1 gallon container with water if they may hatch or something crazy:)

The pic I sent is really up close, from about a foot away, they are not individually noticeable. They are about the size of the ball in a ball point pen.