Help needed!!! :help!:


Reefing newb
My clownfish has some kind of "white thing" on its pelvic fin !!! It has also osme tiny white spots (only a few of them) I THINK it has attacked its gills because he is constantly near the surface !! Please help me :( I have never had a sick fish ! What is it, how can i cure it and how much time do i have :((.

Tha picture isnt clear its bcuz hes always moving :/


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but he didnt brush up aginst anything :( He is eating properly . But i think its fin rot :( hes got his dorsal fin slightly "cut-off/jagged" and hes pelvic fin appears like dead skin.. :( Im afraid cuz he's breathing rapidly, and opening-closing his mouth all the time :( (there's no way he is having it bcuz of bad conditions in mu aqua... ha had that fin jagged and the other white when i bought him :( its just i didnt notice that - he was so tiny :( ..)

Since i believe its fin rot i gave him amoxycillin :( What do u think? im afraid he wont make it :(
Can't really tell by the pic, but assuming you are talking about the larger one? I don't see any sign of ich. If it is fin rot, you can do several things. Get a bottle of Melafix from your LFS and does the tank, make sure you turn off the skimmer. Also, soak the food in garlic extract to help boos the fishes immune system.
Not really sure what to say, Luna

You just added him after barely testing your water to even see if your tank had cycled. Now it sounds like you bought a fish who wasn't in good condition to begin with - never buy a fish with obviously tattered fins. And now you're treating with antibiotics and you don't even know what he's got. Do you have any experience treating fish before?

If he's been swimming at the top of the tank it may be that he isn't getting enough oxygen. Do you have a powerhead pointed at the surface of the tank to get a good ripple across the top of the water? He could also be getting picked on by the other clown - they tend to do that, especially if they are fighting to determine who the male/female is. And if you are expecting them to host something, clowns tend to do their own thing.
I have enough oxygen - id say too much oxygen..s othis cant be a problem - and another reason why it cant be a problem is that my other clownie is fine (not swimmin near surface he's actually eating ) I think its fin rot - hes fin was jagged and i didnt notice that at the beginning ... :( i know it wasnt a smart move to buy a sick fish :( But doesnt look like ich so i gave him antibiotics - he;s eating right now.. but barely breathing..
noo anemone in the tank :( They were getting along very well - i bought both of them from same store- same tank. they were like friends and dont forget they are still small :( Like 3cm or less ..
Its not ich.. I bet it is fin rot.. He's getting medications now.. but in the evening he seems .. tired and hes always at the bottom ( not laying.. swimming ) ..

I put some medication directly on his "cotton" - it seems to be getting better but.. im not sure about it :(
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If he was already sick to begin with, the move definitely would've stressed him out. Just keep medicating like fast said, and hope for the best.
Either way, the best things you could do is

1. Post the conditions of your tank (all numbers)
2. Make sure he is eating
3. Do small water changes to keep the water clean
4. Do not harrass or touch him if it can be helped. Reduce the stress.
Olivia, Try to get a closer pic of that fish if you can. Mainly her tail fin.
I can't see anything in the pic you posted that looks like fin rot. ( could be my old eyes though.)
And hold off on the antibiotics until were definite of what's causing her problems.
I cant take any good pic because he is behind the rocks and don't want to stress now..
She has:
- her fins jagged (all of them - including the tail)
- Her fins appear also to be slightly "white" around the edges..
- has a cotton tuft on her pelvic fin.
- but he is eating...

Now. water parameters

Ammonia 0.1
Temp: 28-29 C
Nitrate: 0
Nitrite: 2
PH: 8.0 - 8.2
KH: 10d
Sal. : 1.023-1.024

Her little friend (another clownie) is fine. No symptoms.
Ammonia and nitrite are toxic! These levels should be 0. Even if the fish was sick when you got him/her, the presence of ammonia and nitrite is certainly exacerbating the problem. Definitely do a large water change, and make sure you are checking those parameters daily. I would also recommend daily water changes until your parameters are consistently reading 0. Fish can tolerate some nitrates and phosphates, but any amount of ammonia or nitrite in the tank is toxic to all inhabitants.
The white puff indicates a fungal infection, which can lead to the other symptoms you are describing. I don't know what medications you have available over there, but you may have to go to your fish store and see what they have for fungus.
im using a medication for fin rot and a variety of fish sicknesses (in general) This - they said - should help her.. Im just saying that if my water quality was bad the other fish wouldnt feel so well ..