help identifying algae


Reefing newb
new tank mayb five weeks now please help identifying algae


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Looks like red slime algae -- aka cyanobacteria. Which is normal to see in a newly set up tank like yours. It is caused by excess nutrients in the water. What are your water parameters (pH, ammonia, nitrites, nitrates)? How many fish do you have and what kind? How much do you feed, what kind of food and how often? Do you do regular water changes? If so, how often/how much, and do you use tap water or RODI water? Also, do you have enough flow? Do you have powerheads moving the water around in that area?
That powerhead looks pretty small. I'd suggest getting at least two larger powerheads so you have more water movement. How about the other questions I asked?
how do i point the jets in the tank, 1 blue damsel and one clown very small both had water tested at pet store said it was in line not sure on exact numbers feed spectrum ultima flakes i also used the aquabella when set up
You should buy your own test kits because you need to know what your water is testing at. If you have algae problems, I'd bet your water parameters are not okay. You should buy the liquid drop kits -- not the paper test strips (they are not very accurate).

You are probably overfeeding with the flakes. You don't need to feed much to two fish.
The flow is something you'll have to figure out for yourself. But if you can see waste building up a certain area,then you need to get more flow in that area one way or another.Sometimes it can be accomplished by adjusting you existing powerheads,or you may need to but more or bigger powerheads.

But the cyano you have and the way it's growing is an indication of poor water quality.
You should shoot for 20x-30x of water volume turnover. The key will be to eliminate dead spots in the water. You should get several circulation pumps that are smaller to achieve this. Then at least one should be pointing at the surface to encourage gas exchange. This will be a good starting point. I also didn't see if you are doing regular water changes?