Crab shells online

Hi guys, need some hermit crab shells. Neither of my LFS have any. Bums. I know liveaquaria has them, but, they are out of stock. Anyone buy any online for a deal?
Another option is to goto a local art supply store like Micheals.
They usually sell sea shells for 5 bucks or less. (have to make sure they are real however) Got about 2 dozen random small shells for 2 bucks. Went home took the ones that hermits would use out of the 2 dozen , ended up with maybe 8-12 of them , put them in the tank and watched the hermits go crazy.
Thanks all, ordered some thru, grabbed a 10 gallon quick crew since my crabs have been feasting all winter. Jerks. Shells were 7 and 14 cents, can't wait to see the crabs enjoy house shopping.
Well, I dumped the shells in, right now the shrimp seems more interested in them than the crabs!


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The 7 cent hermit crab shells from are prettttttty useless. They are super duper duper tiny. I have never seen a crab that small. I didn't even pay a dollar total for them so I'm not complaining, just stating for anyone who may order in the future. The white ones pictured are the med/large ones from their site and they are 14 cents each. what a deal.
The 7 cent hermit crab shells from are prettttttty useless. They are super duper duper tiny. I have never seen a crab that small. I didn't even pay a dollar total for them so I'm not complaining, just stating for anyone who may order in the future. The white ones pictured are the med/large ones from their site and they are 14 cents each. what a deal.

Well that blows... I actually ordered 25 of the 7 cent ones and got a bunch of big ones mixed in. I actually thought they were going to be too big until the crabs started using them. My bad.
Last night I discovered my blue legged has picked out his new home. Thanks to reefcleaners for sending such great shells. I was so happy to see him roaming around in his bigger house. Ahhh, it's the little things in life people.


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