Sea Anemone

The bubble tip anemone is suppost to be one of the most hardy anemones but still requires excellent water quality. What kind of lighting do you have, anemones need a ton of light
I am not sure what lightng have but I know that have a 30 watt 50/50 smartlamp floresent bulb I have 2 but am only using 1 but I could use boath
That is no where near enough lighting for an anemone. You would need to buy at least a 4 bulb T5HO fixture.
I've heard that rock flower nems are also hardy and fairly easy to keep, but ccCapt is absolutely right in that you need to upgrade your lights before you think about getting a nem.
Anemones require stronger lighting than most corals. And they are more difficult to keep than most corals. It is usually not advised that you get an anemone until your tank has been set up for at least a year, since they are so sensitive to everything. You will need new lights to keep one.
In my opinion anemonia viridis. I had many anemones but i think this one is easy to keep and doesnt grow too big. It's beautiful too. you can find it mostly in yellow - with pink tips :) So cute :)

Take a look at these. (i took the picture)

I added this pic as an attachment. Take a look at them. Dont forget they need light.


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