Got my first coral in!!! and algae?


Reefing newb
After checking my parameters and everything being fine my girlfriend decided to surprise me and buy a pulsing xenia and a green star polyp for me. Super excited as the star polyp seems to already be attaching itself nicely to the rock I put it on, and the xenia seems to enjoy the flow it is getting right now. I do have a bit of algae growing in the tank though and my LFS said turbos would take it out for me but I wanted to check here first before buying the snails. Thanks for any advice and comments guys!


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Great starter corals! I wouldn't add more than one turbo to your tank to start. You have any other snails? A nice assortment is good.
That's doesn't look like xenia -- it's anthelia. They are very similar and have the same requirements/needs, so still a great addition nonetheless. Both corals are wonderful starter corals.

If you do not have astraea or turbo snails yet, I would get some. You will also need more nassarius snails. Now is a good time to beef up your clean up crew.
Nice corals and good choices. My GPS grew like weeds under my MH until I put a Yellow Zoa just upstream of it and it has never been the same since.
Ive got mine under 25 1w led's and it seems to be a happy camper. I want to get a frogspawn or hammer coral but I cant decide if they will do any harm depending on where I decide to put them. I might also place some mushrooms here and there but do you have any other suggestions on good first time corals or what will go good with the current occupants?
Ive got mine under 25 1w led's and it seems to be a happy camper. I want to get a frogspawn or hammer coral but I cant decide if they will do any harm depending on where I decide to put them. I might also place some mushrooms here and there but do you have any other suggestions on good first time corals or what will go good with the current occupants?

All of those corals would be fine. Frogspawns and hammers are excellent choices, and mushrooms are pretty much bullet proof.
I bought the vast majority of mine at the LFS. You will pay more, but you can hand pick your corals and witness their health before you take them home.

There are lots of good sites online. You can't go wrong with Live Aquaria. For ricordeas and zoas, Coral Morphologic is my favorite -- their prices on rics cannot be beat. Check out the Vendor Evaluations forum on here for lots of places people have used and have good (or bad) reviews of. When in doubt, post it here -- chances are someone has experience with them.

Vendor Evaluations
I want to get a frogspawn or hammer coral but I cant decide if they will do any harm depending on where I decide to put them.

I know that you will have to put the hammer coral away from other corals and in a medium flow area. I have mine set about in the middle of my tank and is happy as can be. It's awesome watching it move cause it looks just like little hammers moving in the current.
I feel the same way wedge I love the look of hammer corals deff one of my fav's! *Update* my anthelia (what I thought to be pulsing xenia) passed away and I took it back to my LFS and they gave me a new coral to replace it. Hopefully this one will do better will post a pic soon! Also this new piece could be xenia this time as it looks different from the anthelia but I might be wrong this time again lol.