Amy and Zack's 55 gallon

Finally, starting my tank showcase thread!:bounce:
I got all the rock in and crushed corral out. Also, switched out a few of my bioballs for some rock rubble. Cleaned up the brown algae growth. Now, just waiting on sand so I can add it.
Parameters look good. PH 8.0, Ammonia 0, Nitrite 0, and Nitrate 40(I did a 10 gallon water change today to help that). Also had to add 5 gallons more to top it off.
I have to admit, I was really starting to get discouraged with that 8.0 Ammonia level. When it dropped, it dropped quick and the nitrite was right behind it.
You guys on here really know your stuff and your advice really helped me get going in the right direction.:bowdown:
I am posting a before and after my aquascaping pic. Also, of my turbos. I added 2 turbo snails and 2 blue leg crabs. The crabs scattered before I could get a good pic of them.
If parameters stay in check, I'll be adding my first fish next weekend.:^:I don't know what yet, but I have a few ideas.


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Congratulations on starting up your tank thread!! The rocks looks great! It must feel really good to finally be headed in the right direction :) Just make sure your rocks are secure - I used epoxy putty to secure mine and it worked great. And I'd do another 50% water change before adding your first fish! Inquiring minds want to know what you're thinking you might add ;) Your tank is gonna rock!
To the inquiring minds that wanna know. I'd like to know myself because I have a whole list of possible fish. I'll never be able to get them all and I know I gotta stick to the tempermant rule first and then the size rule. Here's my list of wants. It's not my really really wants, but after researching different fish I'm sticking with what my tank is big enough for, what is compatible, and what is reef safe.
Royal Gamma Basslet
Tail Spot Blenny
Spotted Cardinalfish
Blue Reef Chromis
Clownfish-still debating this with my son. He wants Maroon and I want Clarki or Ocellaris.
Scissortail Goby
Whitebanded Possum Wrasse
Black and White Chromis
Splendid Dottyback
Orange Stripe Prawn Goby
Dragonface Pipefish-not sure about this one
Mystery Wrasse
Schooling Bannerfish
Blue Velvet Damsel
Marine Betta-not sure on this one either

If anyone has any input, shout it out.
I would skip these fish: Blue velvet damsel and the black and white chromis because they are both damsels and mean as all get out.

I think the mystery wrasse needs a bigger tank, but it could work, I would ask BL1 about it. But there is a strong possibility it will eat any shrimps you add to the tank.

I would skip the bannerfish, butterflies can be very hard to keep and it is very difficult to separate the reef safe type of bannerfish from the several other species that arent reef safe.

I would also skip on the marine betta, i think they need a bigger tank, they hide during the day and are known for eating smaller fish and shrimp.

Dragonfaced pipe fish are really great fish, just get a pair and wait until the tank is well established. They tend to eat natural foods (like pods) and because of their slow eating habits and tiny, tiny mouths they are difficult to get eating frozen foods. So wait until your tank can support them naturally before adding them.

Maroon clowns are some of the meanest fish you can buy, so if decide to get them, they need to be the last fish you add the tank. They will likely bully or go after any fish you add after them, and they are well known for going after their caretakers as well.

Other than that, those would be some great fish choices for your tank
I think I've settled the clownfish debate with my son. Black and White Ocellaris it is. I was thinking a pair. Would that be good for a starter? I looked at them online awhile back, but actually seen them in person today and really liked. Found a cool LFS today on my travels for work that I'm thinking I will be dealing with regularly. It's about an hour and a half away from me, but the guy there really seemed to know what he was talking about. AND, THEY HAVE LAYAWAY!!!!! I'm already dreaming up my next much bigger tank.
I think clowns are happiest as a pair personally, and they are a great starting fish. Very hardy, and they have great personalities.
Introducing Ginger the Firefish! These were actually one of the fish I was considering, but crossed off my list because of the jumping thing. Seems to be doing well though and definitely not a shy fish. It scattered into a cave at first, but only stayed there a couple minutes and now is out swimming all around.
Also got a few pieces of small rock because I thought it looked pretty, a couple more hermits, and some empty shells for when they grow.


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She's beautiful! Congratulations on your first fish in your newly cycled tank :)

Have you looked into putting together a screen top to prevent jumping? There are some easy DIY options through bulk reef supply, and someone had a thread in the DIY section on building the screen top with the BRS materials not that long ago!
She's beautiful! Congratulations on your first fish in your newly cycled tank :)

Have you looked into putting together a screen top to prevent jumping? There are some easy DIY options through bulk reef supply, and someone had a thread in the DIY section on building the screen top with the BRS materials not that long ago!
Yeah, I've thought about it and probably will. I told me son he just has to stand guard when we are doing water changes.
Got my custom hinged screen lids built. Patting myself on the back for this and thanking my dad big time for helping. One side fits a little too snug, but all in all they look great I think. While we were at it, also got one built for a 10 gallon that was given to me. I'm excited to get that going hopefully soon.
I had a bit of a flood in my living room. I cleaned the canister out the other day. Got rid of the pads and carbon and a few more bio balls replaced with rubble. I've had a slow leak since and have been trying to play around with the fittings to get it to stop. Well, I gave up on that this morning and decided to just do away with the canister. In the process, I ended up pouring water all over my floor. You can see in the pics my water level is low. Oh well, I needed to do a water change this weekend anyways.
I'm crossing my fingers that my tank does okay without the canister and just powerheads going. I know, people on here have said it would, but I still worry. My 50# dry rock has been in the tank just shy of 3 weeks. Added 10# of dry sand about a week ago that I got at Petco. My original 40# I ordered almost a month ago with my dry rock is still not here. Speak of the devil, the mail lady just brought it while I'm typing this. About time!
I've slowly been adding some inverts. I got 4 turbos, 2 or 3 ceriths(I don't remember if it was 2 or 3 I bought), a handful of different hermits(about 8 or 9), an emerald crab, and 2 peppermnt shrimp. I lost one of the shrimp this morning. Do these guys shed their shell when they die? It was laying next to it in the tank.
Ginger the firefish is doing great. I've narrowed down and finalized my stocking list. Now, just hope my LFS guy will be able to get in what I want like he said he would.
#2 Tail spot blenny- I asked LFS to order for me so hopefully will be here in the next week or 2.
#3 Yellow banded possum wrasse- this is the only one LFS guy said he may have problems getting.
#4 Orange stripe prawn goby
#5 Pair of banghai cardinalfish
#6 Pair of black ocellaris clownfish
These are my parameters as of today: PH 8.0, ammonia 0, nitrite 0, and nitrate 40(was up to 80 a few days ago so I'm making progress with it I think).


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looks good!

And everyone has floods, its part of the hobby :)

And for the canister filter part, really dont worry about it. Go look at the tank builds of people you like on this site and I dont think a single one will be running a canister filter.
Here's some pics. I's been awhile since I updated this thread.


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