The 29g Sap Tank!


Reefing newb
Hi, so after posting in the new to this thread and all the hurdles ive had to go through, my tank is up and running. l just so happened to have taken some poor quality pictures as i went.
For starters, I got the 29g Aqueon Deluxe Kit. Which came with a cannister filter, heater, hood and light. Then I went and got me a powerfilter.
I went down to the beach and grabbed a bunch of dead rock and sand. Then filled up on some ocean water..... part the way through my cycle, i acquired some live rock. SO, I started the cycle over.
Once the cycle was over, I threw in a plethora of Opae Ula. and thats all i had goin on the tank for like a week and a half.


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THEN one day at the beach I forgot my net, but I did have a Lowes 5g bucket. I was picking hermit crabs when I caught a little snowflake eel.
The eel was in the tank with dozens of Opae Ula and hermit crabs for a while when I went on vacation to Oahu.
When I got back, I still had dozens of Opae Ula and hermit crabs. The Snowflake eel was still just hanging out under rocks. So I went and got him a False clownfish to keep him company. Sadly the clownfish decided to host behind the filter and so we didnt see him anymore.

I told my lfs guy about it and he suggested adding a fish to the tank to make him wanna come out.
So I added a Domino Damsel. And the clownfish came out.


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The Damsel was good in there. Lot of tank movement. I Talked with LFS and he said it should be ok that I add a firefish goby too.
Within a Week of adding him, the Damsel had destroyed him. I noticed it a bit too late. The firefish didnt wanna come out of his hiding spot. So I threw a blanket over the tank while I was at work, till I had a day off. Then I was able to Return the Damsel to my LFS. I then decided to get me a Flame Angel.
Now the Firefish comes out cause he feels safe, the clownfish cruises around, but still returns to its hosting spot behind the filter, the Flame angel creates a ton of movement in the tank, and he's pretty. :) Ill add some better quality pictures when I can get my camera back!


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Looks good! Damsels are well known for being super Aholes, which is why we dont recommend them to anyone but as a single fish.

And in the future, make sure you get your water from way out and down deep. The water near the shore and near the surface has a much high concentration of nasty stuff you dont want in your tank.
Yea, lesson learned about the damsel. Not too worried about the water here tho. I get it from an area out by Ocean Rider. Which is the Sea Horse farm. I can see if i were on Oahu or some other densely populated island. But, if I can get some deep water, I definitely will!
Thanks again!!