RIP Mr.Clowny..can any one identify cause of death


Reefing newb
My Tomato clown stopped hosting in his anemone and started acting weird like he was going mad, today he died, any body can identify the cause.


  • marsiboys 1519.jpg
    139 KB · Views: 348
Not a very good quality photo

As others have said, to even try to determine the cause we need more information about your system

And 'test results are fine' or 'test result is normal' are not sufficient. Give us the kitchen sink about your setup
OK its 2 months old but its basically a transfer from one tank to another , the water was from another aquarium so was the live rocks and live sand.
so its like just getting one aquarium and putting it in to another.
The Nitrate in light pink on the chart and the ammonia is white on the chart.
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OK its 2months old but its basically a transfer from one tank to another , the water was from another aquarium so was the live rocks and live sand.
so its like just getting one aquarium and putting it in to another.
The Nitrate in light pink on the chart and the ammonia is white on the chart.
Until you provide more detailed information, there really isn't anything that any of us are going to be able to add

We need test results, not colors (we have no idea what brand test kits you are using)
Other tank inhabitants? Are they acting normal?
Recent additions / changes to the stocking list?
Recent additions / changes to the setup?

We NEED more information before we can even begin to theorize on what killed your fish. And even WITH all that information we may not be able to determine the cause