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Reefing newb
I hope this works as far as pics go my first time uploading pics from photobucket. Just a little history my wife and I last started a journey last year on starting a reef tank. It started with a 40 tall tank bought off CL but we never even got that wet and quickly upgraded to a 60 gal. After getting all the goodies we set it up and began to cycle the tankThe tank finally cycled when the wife just briefly said that a bigger tank would be nice. That was enough for me and off to cl i went found a nice 120 and bought it. Transfered all the rock and sand over and waited again. This has been a great tank that quickly became an addiction. We both love the tank but both agreed that we really wanted to go big one day. Tax time came and I have a great cpa that got me a nice return this year so guess what. NEW TANK. This time we were using all our knowledge we have gained to set this up. We got a local builder to build us a custom 84x30wx24t acrylic tank 3/4'' all around with external overflow with 3 1.5'' drains and 3/4 returns. custom sump with fuge sectionheres some pics


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Here is the sump


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Now we concentrate on the ligh ing and decided that led was what we wanted. I didn't want MH with the extra heat and energy plus I didn't want to run a chiller either. After much debating AI SOL whas what we ended up with Skimmer duties are being handled by the new cadlight skiller I believe 1350 model. It's an awesome skimmer super quiet. Thre return pump is a reeflo dart gold pump.


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we had a custom stand made using 2x2x120 steel and then powdercoated the whole thing. We also had a light rack made for the lights. The rack allows us to rais or lower the lights and swing them out of the way while doing maint on the tank.


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Now that the new tank is in place it was time to start the plumbing I decided to build a nanifold that would handle the return and my brs reactors I left three open lines off the manifold for any future additions. I would have plumbed the skimmer as well but it comes with its own pump. I went with a bean animal overflow design and as described it is silent and works great. Each return has a valve to control flow for any adjustment that is needed. A tru union check valve was installed and multiple union ball valves were put in place to isolate pump and sump and check valve in the event any service is needed in the future


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Now to get her all wet. We added the sand and water and boy did things look ugly. but it all cleared up and once again the wait. We used a mix of lr and new rock. After testing and testing the water tested perfect, So we finalized the aquascape making sure to have plenty of room in the back for flow. Got some chromis to add just to make sure before we transfered the livestock from the original tank. All are doing great and we are goimg to transfer the rest of the fish and coral in a few days. We have added a few along the way from our other tank and keep checking to make sure the tank can handle the load and its doing just fine. So there you go my new tank is up and running looking great. Any thoughts or questions ask away. Btw the lights were on the heavy blue side in the pics also on a low setting plus its all cell phone pics so you know how that goes


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Thanks everyone e my wife and I have worked real hard trying to get thing set up the way we wanted. It was a small fortune but we got a ton of great deals along the way and have met some great reefers as well. Yesterday I spent all afternoon and evening catching fish,crabs snails and shrimp acclimating them and adding to the tank. The old tank is now just sitting 3/4 empty. It looks so sad. I will miss it. Everybody is doing.g great and enjoying there new home. We were very nervous and expected to maybe loose something in the transfer but everyone did awesome and seemed to show very little stress. Both tangs didn't even miss a beat went to swimming and exploring and ate a ton last night. The last hold out is a maxi mini that refuses to let go of his rock so im not quite sure what im gonna do with him. Other then that everything is transfered and now im letting the corals acclimate to the new led lights. I will try to get some new pics up soon.
Thanks the entire middle section of the sump is a fuge. The sump has three sections first the incoming water with the skimmer that spills into the fuge and then through the bubble trap to the return. I am running 2 7" filter socks. Man I'm loving this tank more and more.
I know what you mean. Everytime i look at my tank in the morning when the moon leds are on i just enjoy the life in the tank. when my leds come on it is feeding time and they love it. it is so cool how life grows in a tank.
Well it'sbeen awhile since I updated. The tank is doing great and the fish are loving there new home and so are the new additions. We got a new dslr camera and trying to work with it and learn how to take good pics. here are our babies









