Reefing newb
As you all may or may not know, my 10g was boiled alive by my stealth heater that went kauput last week, and I am in the process of filing a claim with Marinelnd now :frustrat: So now I have decided to set up a 20g long :D and make my 10g into a QT tank, whick now has Shortcake, the strawberry basslet awaiting a clean bill of health to be placed in the 20g. I set the 20g up 4/7/12, and it has 20# live black sand, about 25-30# of LR swapped out of my 92g, a hydor powerhead, JBJ Unibody dimmable LED, a Biowheel 200, a maxi-jet 1200 pointed behind the LR for better water movement, a lone yellow tail blue damsel named SHARKBAIT, two atreas, & two blue legged hermits. Wanting to add some LPS like the 10 had, maybe a few SPS further down the line, and a few more fish and inverts, & LOTS more CUC. Thinking of adding a Biocube skimmer for added filtration, and maybe a lil bit more LR. But here are a few pics to start, and once again, any comments and suggestions are welcome... LET"S GET THIS THING GOING :bounce:If you look closely, you may notice the barnacle's coraline is white, also on the intake for the biowheel...This is from the boil last week :(