DIY cal and alk dosing system


Reefing newb
i just made the easiest and cheapest cal and alk dosing system,you only need a couple tools,2 20 oz pop bottles,bigger if you need to dose more 2 liter bottle will work fine,a 10ft length of silicone air tubing,and a airline double valve,and 2 8 inchs of rigid tubing
you will need to drill the middle of the airlive double valve if they are connected together,and fill with a bit of silicone or superglue in the tiny drilled hole.

drill both pop bottle lids with 2 holes each for the vent and liquid tubes,to the liquid side pull the soft tubing threw one hole and attach the 8 inch hard tube to the soft on the bottom of the cap going into the bottle,then cut a 6 inch of soft tube and place it in the second hole so you can pressurize the bottle and start the syphon,attach the soft tubing with the rigid tube on the bottom of the bottle to the valve and thats how you can controll the flow do this to the second bottle and now you have 2 bottles set up for the cal and alk,each with its own controll that will never flood your tank with cal or alk once adjusted!


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