20 gal frag tank??


Reefing newb
So I just bought a 20 gallon long tank to set up for a frag tank... I have a few questions and all help will be greatly appreciated.

1. What lighting should I use..
2. Should I do a sand bed??
3. Should I put sme LR in there??
4. How should I cycle it?!
5. What should I do for filtration?

Any other suggestions would be Greatly Appreciated!!

Thanks in Advance
no sand bed, some LR, standard way to cycle, just do regular waterchange, dont forget powerheads and toss a fish in there too. Never underestimate the power of fish poop.
I'm gonna get my pair of ORA Black Clowns to go in there.
Do you think I need a skimmer??
And do you think a korilla 550and a 425 would be to much?? It's really long 30"

Will somebody move this thread to the tank build thread section!!
I'll start a thread
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i have a 20 long tank with some zoas in it and i use a current pc light,has 2 65w power compact 50/50s and some rock and a pinguine carbon filter
So I finished washing it and cleaning it today. I have painted the back of it, patriotic blue to give the deep blue ocean effect!!
I will post pics as soon as wife gets off work.

Still have a few more questions I need help with.

Is a 425 and a 550 to much?? It is 30" long
Do I need a skimmer being it will have two ORA black clowns and frags??
Should I just build a stand and run a sump with an over flow box??
So Here are the pictures I have been promising.
1st one is it getting cleaned with vinegar and water!
2nd is Dry
3rd It being painted
4th and 5th is all done


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So I have been talking with Wade. (fastrd400). I am gonna build a stand this weekend so I can run a sump. I have the sump soaking in vinegar and water right now. I just have to buy a return pump. So. I'll post pictures of sump tonight and post pics of stand build this weekend
So got an overflow from a buddy! So now I'm gonna order my pump and skimmer on Friday from Dr. Fosters and Smith.

I was thinking about getting a 4 bulb fixture but I really think it will be way t much for a twelve inch tank. So I'm gonna start with a 2 bulb T5 fixture and if need be get another!

Any of you have any other sugestions
Not sure about your return pump size as im pretty lame to that aspect but id def go with the 4 bulb....i have a 2 bulb on my mantis tank and its on a 20H Nothing grows on the bed at all except plain ole mushrooms that STRETCH for light. I wasnt planning on keeping coral for my tank hense the 2 bulb. Your main reason for this tank IS coral. 4 bulb bro, just my suggestion. And ill throw another, the nova extreme is decently priced and has individual reflectors. THis way with the 4 bulb you can also play with color combinations.....just my two cents!
I wanted to hear that! Why buy two when I can just buy the one big one! So that's it! I'll order the thirty with everything else. Should have a nice package next week!! :^::bounce: