clam coral


Reefing newb
I just got a clam coral. I placed it on the sand in the bottom of the tank (90 gal). I have a 48" solar extreme T5 which is on about 9 hours a day. I don't know much about clams, can anyone advise if I placed it correctly and with sufficient lighting? I usually target feed 2-3 times a week, mysis shrimp, cyclopeze. It's doing ok, I guess, I see it open and close, but I really don't know what else I'm supposed to be looking at. Any advice is appreciated.
They are filter feeders, mysis are too big for them. Also, clams are not corals, they are bi-valves (a type of mollusk). What kind of clam is it? If its not a derasa I suspect you do not have enough light to keep it long term, especially at the bottom of your tank
They are filter feeders, mysis are too big for them. Also, clams are not corals, they are bi-valves (a type of mollusk). What kind of clam is it? If its not a derasa I suspect you do not have enough light to keep it long term, especially at the bottom of your tank

I don't know what kind of clam it is, I'm attaching a picture. If you can tell me what kind it is and where I should place it, also what I should feed it etc., thanks a lot


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That looks like a maxima clam to me, you're probably going to need to move it higher in your tank with the lights you have. They are photosynthetic, so you don't need to feed them
I've read that clams that are 4+" really only need strong lighting. They don't need filter feeding anymore, or at least very little.
All clams need strong lighting, but you are right, the larger ones dont rely as much on filter feeding. That is why you should buy clams that are at least 3 inches, most tanks cant provide the right and enough food for them.

But im going to guess its a maxima clam, they are the most commonly sold clams.