Do these Zoas and Mushroom Look Okay?


Reefing newb
Kinda crappy pics but do they look okay? The Mushroom will not open up for over a week now don't know why. Water parameters are good all other corals doing great.


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How long have they been in there? Did you just add them? I know you said a week, but has anything changed ect?
The zoas look fine to my but that's odd for a mushroom. They are pretty tough so that's weird that it hasn't opened.
Thanks for all the replies. We have a ton of other mushrooms that are doing fine so it is weird the way this one is behaving. The mushroom has been in for about 2 weeks now and it opened up nicely for the first 2 days then closed up tight. I tried moving it around to various places but it just stays shut like that.
Zoa's look legit the mush looks rough. try moving it to another location some of my mushrooms like ot be at the base along rocks for some reason.
Im seriously debating moving it high up close to light so it gets a lot of light. It had a lot at the LFS so maybe for whatever reason it likes more light? Idk really at a loss with that one.
Adding more light to a sick coral can just add more stress. I would leave it alone and give it time to try and heal itself. Mushrooms are super tough and it will likely bounce back. The other thing that could have happened is that mushroom caught something to eat and its close up around that.
Adding more light to a sick coral can just add more stress. I would leave it alone and give it time to try and heal itself. Mushrooms are super tough and it will likely bounce back. The other thing that could have happened is that mushroom caught something to eat and its close up around that.

It has been closed up for a week there is nothing in the tank that would take it that long to eat.