Zoa no go


Reefing newb
Hey gang need some advice on what could be going on?

I have 3 colonies of Zoa, 1 colony is Awesome, even spreading the tiniest cluster is totally closed, I've since sealed up that snail that stung the day lights out of it.

My 3 rd colony was brilliant and full, within 3 weeks, only 3 animals are opening.

What am I doing wrong, my regular params are perfect, but what else should I be checking, testing doing, placing?

Any helps.

If that Tiny cluster has totally closed up how can I tell if it's dead?
I'll see about getting photos up.

Basic Params
Ammo 0-.10 week tracking,
Nitrites - 0
Nitrates - 0
I'm working on my Calcium about 380
Alkalinity under 8, trying to bring that up.

Photos soon.
Here is the Photo of the Bad one, I'm trying to get a hold of the good bunch which is in the tank right above it

Thanks for the help on getting these up to you.


  • Zoa2.jpg
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THere are many dips. Simple google search should help you.

But to be honest.....ive lost zoa's for no reason.....somethings "just happen" in this hobby.

+1 to all other comments
I always fresh water dip any softies before going in the tank . but Stony's dont tolerate a freshwater well ( i only use it on them in case of emergency) I have found REVIVE works really well for dipping them.. freshwater just takes a couple mins, the change in the salinty causes any pests to loosen their grip on the coral, as far as any other dip you buy follow the directions on the bottle usually only takes a couple mins also...
Use RO water (not salt) and match the pH and temperature to your tank using a heater (or microwave) and some pH up additive. Put the zoas in the water for 5 minutes. During that time, gently shake them around and/or blow on them with a turkey baster so any pests drop off.

To do a coral dip, you will need to buy an iodine-based coral dip from your LFS and follow the instructions on the bottle. It's basically the same procedure, just with a few drops of the iodine added.
This is what Biff is talking about.
Aquarium Water Quality & Conditioners: pH Up or pH Down Water Conditioner

Generally,to get rid of pests on softies,we'll just match the temp of straight tap water (dechlorinated of course ) to that of the tank the coral was in.Then soak them for no more than 5 minutes.That gives the fresh water time to kill any invert pests on the coral.

When softies are closed up,their not taking in any water.So it's usually safe to just use tap water.But the temp HAS to match or you'll shock the coral.
Thank you all, my RODI is warming as we speak, off to the LFS, to get the additives, and in they go.

Thanks, I will post Photos of this beautiful colony once it's up again.