zoanthid help!!


Reefing newb
only a few of them have opened in the month that i have owned them. the water is fine now but about two weeks into caring for them my automatic feeder over fed my tank by alot. needless to say i got rid of it. but the nitrate and nitrite did spike everything else is fine. my levels are all back to normal but since that over feed ive also been fighting algae red and green. are my zoas dead any help would be appreciated..


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Well 1st off Welcome to the Reef...
Yeah I think they will come back. They would melt away if dead. Just I shock from the spike. Give them some time. Keep up with your water changes and you should be fine.
First, try moving them somewhere else. Its possible theyre not happy with light or flow. Second, how long has your tank been running? What light, powerheads, filters, etc...are you using? And lastly, "fine" isnt a perametre. Can we have the numbers? Temp, sal, pH, alk, amm, NO3, NO4? We can help more if we know numbers. And what kind of kit do you have? Strips or liquid?
gravity 1.025 salinity 34 ppt. nitrite 0, nitrate 0, ph 8.4. i use test strips but have liquid testers a back up. also ive never been able to get an accurate reading on alk my test strips are supposed to turn green but are always a a bit blue. my temp jumps around a bit depending on when my lights on 76-81. 36'' METAL HALIDE 250 HQI + 2X 96 COMPACTS 14k. the halide runs for 6 hours the compacts run for 8. i cut back on lighting to control the algae. filter is a cascade 700... 165 g.p.h... seaclone 100 protein skimmer its for up to 100 gallon.. oh an tank has been up for a year. thanks for the help...
Everything looks good then, except I would trade the canister for some powerheads. Filters tend to trap nitrates unless you clean them every couple weeks.

I would try leaving them for a week or so and then move them to see if they like it more somewhere else.
Your zoas are just pissed at the moment.Give them some time.
While your waiting,take those test strips and throw em in the garbage.There's not been a strip made yet that was even close to accurate.
Also wouldn't hurt to inspect em ( the zoas ) for pests like Nudi's.
Hello and Welcome!

I also think the huge temp swings you are having is part of their unhappyness, you should up the base temperature of the tank so that when the lights come on the temp only goes up a few degrees. You can also attach a fan (like small desk fan) to the blow across the water when the lights are on to keep the tank cooler.