Clown with a bum fin


Reefing newb
My male clown looked seriously ragged before he paired with the female from her beating him up. Now he has healed up everywhere except one fin, which had a chunk out of it. It has gotten this sort of white fleshy ball where the chunk was missing. He isn't using this fin now. Up until today he has been eating well, but today he didn't eat. He appears to be breathing faster than normal. What should I do?


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he's laying on the bottom behind some rock now :( he usually stays out all night, so this may be the end for him
Are you sure they were different sexes? Clowns are some of the easiest fish to try, so don't give up. Next time, make sure when you get two clowns that they are very different in size. If they are the same size, they will tend to fight for dominance, sometimes to the death. If you get a big one and a small one, the big one will be the female, the little one will be the male, and he will know his place automatically. ;)
I got two of the same size initially and one grew noticeably larger, it beat the daylights out of the other one and then went from healthy to dead over night. I was left with the little guy that had his fins all torn up and everything else. I went and bought a larger clown and the two of them got things straight quickly, the little one submitted and they seemed to be paired up. Unfortunately he still had an injury to his fin from the first female. The sore turned into sort of a white ball and he gradually went down hill until I started this thread. I'm pretty sure I've just had bad luck, but it is frustrating because I have $100 in two dead fish :(