Shrimp Q's


Artic Reefer!
I read alot of the articles thru the search function and i will be going to the LFS today to pick up my skunk shrimp. (yay) he also has red fire shrimp i believe, coral banded shrimp, and peppermint shrimp. Should i get more than one? or am i right by reading that the skunk is the best and neatest showoff? Also gonna get a feather duster? i read multiple things do i feed them specificially or do they get it from water column. i use micovert for my mushrooms, rich's, and toadstool? thanks again!
I have a skunk and red blood in my 60 and the skunk is out all the time and the red blood is behind his rock most the time. My red blood in the 36 hides under his rock all the time unless he is hungry and will come partially out. My two skunks in my 180 are a little more shy the the one in the 60 but they both stay together in their cave and come out to eat. Never saw my pep's after I put them in the 60 unless I looked real hard and search the rubble rock and would see one every once in a while. I don't have a banded coral shrimp but I believe they are a little more agressive than the others. Two skunks or a skunk and red blood would be my choice if getting two shrimp. My :twocents:.
i have a red blood in my 29 right now. hes my first shrimpy in this setup. i like him because he adds a much needed pop of color in my tank, but he is pretty much behind a rock in the back of the tank most of the time. ive had him about a week and only yesterday did he come running out all insane to grab some food.

in a previous setup i had 2 skunks and they were too cute. they would mostly hide behind a rock also but everytime u stick ur hand in there they come over to u and clean ur hand like its a fish lol. in fact i dont think i ever saw them clean an actual fish, it was always our hands. and those things bred like rabbits. every 2 weeks or so i would see shrimp babies floating all around in my water...much to the fishes delight!

i dont really want poor shrimpy babies being eaten or sucked up into the filter this time so im going to give my blood shrimp a skunk friend. i hope they get along :)
My red and skunk in my 60 are not so much as friends, it more like they coexist. If the skunk goes behind the reds rock he gets chased out. Nothing violent, just letting him know that this rock is not to be shared. My two skunks in the 180 hang together all the time. A skunk and a red are ok together in the same tank, I just wouldn't count on them being best buds.
Blood shrimp tend to be hiders. Coral banded shrimp can be predatory and go after your fish -- I would not advise getting one for that reason. Skunk cleaner shrimp are great, and peppermint shrimp can be useful for combating pest anemones, but are nocturnal and rarely seen. Check out sexy shrimp too -- get them in small groups, like half a dozen or so. Look up videos of them "dancing" on YouTube. Sexy shrimp are great.
well tonight i got a drawf feather duster and a peppermint shrimp my LFS sold 10 skunks in 2 days dang it. i picked this peppermint cause when i was being explained what they are good for this retard was swimming upside down going balistic all over tank. super funny!

Also what should i feed them? i have Microvert, kent essential elements, and prime reef flake.?
i know! i think this guy eats fruit loops for breakfast. when he gets settled i wanna make a video of this little HAM!!!!
he will go extra derpy when u feed the fish lol

lol i just fed my fish, and my fire shrimp bolted out and swum upside down at the surface of the water and was pulling down floating food! hes not derpy, hes genuis!
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My skunk is derpy; he surfed the overflow twice, forcing me to break the siphon and dig him out of it, and put him back in the tank. Both times he was fine, both times I spilled water on the floor and and got some in my mouth to start a new siphon. :grumble:

Before each time, I swore I heard in a quiet, shrimpy little voice, "RIGHTEOUS! RIGHTEOUS!'
My skunk is derpy; he surfed the overflow twice, forcing me to break the siphon and dig him out of it, and put him back in the tank. Both times he was fine, both times I spilled water on the floor and and got some in my mouth to start a new siphon. :grumble:

Before each time, I swore I heard in a quiet, shrimpy little voice, "RIGHTEOUS! RIGHTEOUS!'

hilarious! haha
Here is my new guy. "oh hey guys its cool i like to look at you guys upside down"


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My skunk is derpy; he surfed the overflow twice, forcing me to break the siphon and dig him out of it, and put him back in the tank. Both times he was fine, both times I spilled water on the floor and and got some in my mouth to start a new siphon. :grumble:

Before each time, I swore I heard in a quiet, shrimpy little voice, "RIGHTEOUS! RIGHTEOUS!'

ROFL Zissou!!!

Cool stuff, jr!