Bubble algea problem


Zoanthid Crazy
I have a big bubble algea problem, and i have been using a gravel cleaner thing that i rigged and been sucking out what i can every week during my 5 gallon water exhchange. But it seems like not much damage is being done. I also tried a emerald crab but he died the next day :(. So i was wonder if it would be ok to take out each rock ( i have 2 large and 2 small) one at a time and manaully get rid of them and rinse off the rock before i put it back in there, with out killing anything. I have corals on the 2 big ones, 3 fish, 2 zebra snail, 3 bubble bee snails, and 5 red legged crabs. Its a little hard to see theru all the algea on the glass.


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I would remove the rock in question and just put all the livestock back in the tank while you pick the stuff off. Other than that, you have a good plan. I would even drip some hydrogen peroxide on the bad areas to try and kill the roots. Bubble algae is no fun. I have an issue with that stuff too
[ame=http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MeqtPe3XukM&noredirect=1]4 Ways to Remove Bubble Algae From Your Reef Tank - YouTube[/ame]
well all the rocks are in question lol there all pretty bad. i have heard of the peroxide thing i just want 100% sure about it. thx for the video, tho i have seen it b4 i love mr salterwater tv.
i alos have this grass looking stuff at the bottom of my tank on the sand bed, is that good stuff? or should i remove it too when im doin this?
i alos have this grass looking stuff at the bottom of my tank on the sand bed, is that good stuff? or should i remove it too when im doin this?

Oh, that's probably hair algae. I thought it looked like nice green grass when I first saw it. Now I spend all my waking hours thinking of how to get rid of it! Get it out whenever you can, cause you don't want it.