

Reefing newb
I can't remember what the guy at the LFS told me this was, but I fell in love with how brightly colored it was and for $20, I couldn't help myself.


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that would a galaxia. Those little tentacles have quite the stinging power and can extend for quite the distance, make sure he has plenty of room!
The closest thing to it is a feather duster that is like 6 or 7 inches away. That should be safe right? I'm going to try to keep the thing relatively small. My LFS said they'd buy frags from me if I had success with it. I guess it isn't one they grow in house.
Green star polyps grow on a characteristic bright purple mat. That definitely looks like galaxea to me. If you are planning on growing it out and fragging it, I hope you have patience! It's a very slow growing coral.
That's ok with me. It isn't very big and in my little 29 gallon tank I'd rather not have it stinging everything to death, so as long as it stays small I think I'll be ok.