Black and white clown compatibility


Reefing newb
3 weeks ago I got a pair of ocellaris clowns to add to my 90 gallon and I had ordered a pair of black and white clowns for my 30 gallon. The lfs here sucks, and they only ordered me 1 black and white. I put him in the 30 gallon and for 4 days he barely swam around or ate. He was the only fish in there. I think he was lonely so I added him to the 90 gallon and immediately he hit it off with the other clowns. They all 3 snuggle together at night and seem to get along great. So last week my 2nd black and white was supposed to be in at the lfs and I went to pick him up and they had already sold him to someone else. I was quite angry. So I won't be giving them business anymore. Anyways I am now debating ordering one online or leaving the three amigos together in the 90 gallon. I did read that black and white clowns are supposed to be a clown that will get along with other types of clowns. They seem so happy now. Has anyone kept the two types together long term?
It's rare to find a combination of clowns that get along together. I think that if your guys are not fighting, I would leave them be.
If they aren't fighting leave them alone. If you notice in the future that they do start to fight then just take out the mean one and put him in the 30g. But for now just let them be.
I had a black and white with my gold stripe maroons. They slept in different parts of the tank but they hung around each other all day. My three amigos.
They all seem happy together still. But I may be placing an order online for another black and white and go ahead with the original plan for the 2 of them to move into the 30 gallon and after awhile finish it with a midas blenny.


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How can you tell if a pair of clowns is a mated pair? My black and white clown and one of the orange ones are inseperable.


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They are considered a mated pair if they mate -- that is, they lay eggs. Many clowns will act friendly and inseparable, but it can take years for them to start actually mating. My clowns were paired up for 4 years before they mated and laid eggs for the first time.