cyano bacteria bloom--pls advise


Reefing newb
HI everyone,

So I've had my tank set up for about 4 months and have had nothing but battling alage since the start. I am quite frustrated, as i feel ive done everything that everyone's mentioned. Nontheless, i am posting once again with an update to see if i am missing anything...I am currently battling cyano bacteria bloom all of the sand...

Here's my specs: aquaclear filter containing phosphoguard and fresh active carbon, protein skimmer, 2 power heads -one at the top of the tank and one at the bottom on oppsoite sides, i feed every other day frozen food, bulbs are pc's only 4 months old and 1 is on for 4 hours a day and 1 is on for 6 hours a day, overlapping. I use RO water, the nitrate is 0, ph 8.0. I have been doing 4.5 gallon water changes once a week for 3 weeks now.

The only single thing i can think of that has changed is my brand of salt. I used to use oceanic (love it!) but when i went to the lfs last time they only had red sea in stock so i got that. I mixed what was left over of the oceanic in with the red if the change in salt mix is a problem...then i really can't fix it, i guess.

Have i missed anything? Let me know what you all think. Thank you!


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thanks i never new about alage scrubbers, i looked them up, very interesting. I think at the moment tho i am closer to buying a phosphate reactor since i dont have a sump for a scrubber...
I dont think that the salt is the issue. I've had to switch back and forth between Instant Ocean and the Red Sea brand because my LFS was out of stock. Does your RO have a DI on it? That could make a huge difference.
no i buy my r/o water from walmart...i used to have a r/odi unit but it broke...and im not getting a new one until my husband and i build our new house next year.