my 5 chamber DIY sump idea


Reefing newb
so i got this idea when considering getting an octopus tank. from everything i've read octopi require at least 3 times the normal filtration than a fish of the same size (in which case certain types can get up to 36" from end to end of tentacles, so even so that'd be one big fish!)

instead of paying upwards of $400 for a sump that doesn't meet my filtration needs, i came up with this idea.

so the idea is a 5 chamber sump

chamber 1 - in
1 course sponge from chamber 1 to chamber 2
chamber 2 - heaters
1 course sponge from chamber 2 to chamber 3
chamber 3 - refugium
1 course sponge from chamber 3 to 4
chamber 4 - trickle
1 fine sponge from chamber 4 to 5
chamber 5 - skimmer and out

attached are a couple of picture of my idea
the idea with cardboard will not be how the finished model will look but will be similar

i took a trip to homedepot today and figured out this set up will be cheaper than i though
the acrylic i'll need will only be $60
$12 4ft thing of eggcrate for the trickle,
6$ for fiberglass mesh
and from petco, some aquarium silicone

the filter media i will get from drsmithandfoster

including carbon media, the sponges and other filter pads

the total i'm looking at is about $100 for the whole set up

ideas and advice are welcome and helpful! thanks for looking!


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Skimmer? For an octopus, you are going to want a pretty BA skimmer. From what I have heard, they are messy eaters.
the sump itself is being made outta a 40g breeder tank. it can fit a decent size skimmer in chamber 5, if not i can just put it on the side. i plan on using this same sump idea for my 210 in the future too.

also, for both, the trickle won't be filled with bio balls but instead layers of mech and chem sponges. if an octopus inks in an aquarium the only way to make sure it doesn't die is to either do a massive water change or have a crap load of carbon in your filter, therefore that chamber will be mostly for carbon in the octopus tank
you may want to move the skimmer to chamber 1 otherwise you may end up with bubbles in your return. Yea just make sure you will have enough space for that skimmer.

not sure if you plan on keeping the sump in your cabinet or not, but make sure you have enough height to fit the skimmer... plus room to service/clean the skimmer.
never even heard of this brand. thanks! i'll look more into it. i haven't measured out exact dimensions for my sump yet so i still have time to make sure there's enough space for a skimmer of this quality