Another new fish/coral advice thread


Reefing newb
Howdy LivingReefs. I recently set up a 10g tank with a "Reef Sun" 10,000K light I believe (see attached picture) with:

1 Ocellaris Clown (1 inch)
1 Damsel (1 inch)
1 Firefish (~1.5 inch)
1 cleaner shrimp
A few small crabs
2 snails (purple/white striped)

I also have a few small zoanthid pods scattered about my Fuji live rock.

What would you suggest me getting as my last addition? I was thinking one more fish or some other hardy beginner corals. I was also wondering if it is ok for me to add a baby fish that may require a larger aquarium once he grows. "10 gallon fish" keeps your options pretty limited, but I plan on having a much larger (50+ gallons) here in 4-5 months. Is it ok to start off a baby specimen in my 10g with the plans on transferring the fish later?

Any advice would be appreciated. Thanks!


  • 2012-01-16_14-36-10_768.jpg
    43 KB · Views: 336
Welcome to the site!

I think you are at your limit for fish at this point. The general rule of thumb for saltwater is 1 fish per 10 gallons. You are already at three. Your fish look pretty small, so they might be okay. You should also stock one fish at a time, leaving 3 to 4 weeks in between each addition, so pay attention to your water quality -- if you have stocked too fast, you may see a dangerous ammonia and nitrite spike. If that happens, you will have to do emergency water changes to bring down the levels.
Thanks Bifferwine! I have been monitoring my water daily and the fish seem very happy at this point (It's almost been 2 weeks with them in the tank). I do feel that they have just enough space right now and everyone gets along. I have yet to see any bullying/territorial claims.

What about additional corals? Anything hardy and good for beginners at this point?
Cool looking rockscape there. I like it.

Firefish are notorious and expert jumpers. Is your tank covered WELL?

Most common zoas and palys are fairly hardy. Mushrooms, Xenias, and Anthelia are super hard to kill.

How long has your tank been set up?

I have heard of firefish and their jumping habit. The tank is covered well, there are only 2 spots that are about 2x2in that he would have to aim perfectly for.

The tank has been set up going on 3 weeks now, still very young. I was thinking of some Xenias. Is there a particular species you would recommend for my setup? Thanks.
What you can keep for corals depends on your lighting. If your light has just one bulb, you could probably keep some low light corals such zoas, mushrooms and leathers.
Damsels can/will get mean over time. I'd return the damsel and, if you must have another fish, maybe add a clown goby in a month or so.
Just my advice :)
I have always had Xenia elongata in light pink/purple. Mine really take off if I skip a water change so they like dirty water. Yeah, I agree, your tank is in its infancy. Take it slower. :)


I have heard of firefish and their jumping habit. The tank is covered well, there are only 2 spots that are about 2x2in that he would have to aim perfectly for.

The tank has been set up going on 3 weeks now, still very young. I was thinking of some Xenias. Is there a particular species you would recommend for my setup? Thanks.
Cool, thanks for everyone's advice. I'm hoping the damsel will remain neutral. I have noticed him make a few bullying prods the past day or so but nothing too dramatic.