Starfish Identity?


Reefing newb
Hello All! Does anyone know what type of Starfish this is? I have 2 of them and have been trying to idenitfy them for months now wuth no luck. :frustrat: LOL! Any help you can give would be greatly apprecited! Thanks!!!


  • Starfish.jpg
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Hi ccCapt! Sorry it took me a while to respond. I travel for work throughout the week and don't get on much M-F. Thanks for your thoughts! My neice found 2 in the ocean actually off Daytona Beach and brought them to me. I took a HUGE risk putting them in my tank, but they are thriving! And they seem to be compatible with everything. I've had them since June of 2011. So wild! LOL!
Actually, I did a little more research from the name you shared with me and I think I found the exact type of star. It's an Asterias Forbesii or Sea Star! I found a pic online.