purple hair algae


Addicted Reefer
Ive been fighting with this algae since ive started my tank. Ive got a skimmer and UV Sterilizer that i alternate on and off between the two. Is it ok to run them both at the same time? Ive just started using RO water. Do weekly 5 gallon water changes (Sunday). Ive put the tank on a 8 hour a day light schedule. I do use flaked food but only 3 times a week they get brine and mysis shrimp once or twice a day. With all that said, it seems to be get worse. its all over my live rock and the sand. Its sugar size sand. My CUC include two scarlet reed hermits, 3 blue leg hermits, one turbo snail, little crab dont know what kind (came with ten pounds of live rock) and a serpant sea star. Could that not be enough of a CUC to keep the algae in check? Or could it be something else? All opinions appreciated. not sure if pic will show up but one on way if it doesnt


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You can run the skimmer and UV sterilizer at the same time. There's no reason not to run the skimmer 24/7.

I think you are overfeeding. I would ditch the flakes completely and only use frozen. And cut back to feeding every other day.

Given that this is a new tank, some amount of algae is going to be inevitable. It's a phase that almost all new tanks go through, and it sucks! But you are on the right path using good water and good equipment and doing regular water changes.
Yes I agree with Bifferwine. You are over feeding and scrap the flakes. I started feeding flakes only when I started and the algae was crazy and could never get the water right. I since switched to every other day and frozen mysis and have had no problems.
Brine shrimp contains little nutrients. Mysis is healthy and a much better alternative to brine. You can buy fortified brine shrimp, which is also fine.