Red thing in Coral


Reefing newb
What is this growing in my coral? sorry for poor quality of photo.


  • Coral with REd Stuff.jpg
    Coral with REd Stuff.jpg
    40.4 KB · Views: 313
I dipped the coral in CoralRx earlier this afternoon and saw about 7 little graying things fall off, but nothing happened to these maroon things. Which is the nudibranch?
Good call, valasaraptor and Hannah. I'd guess a nudibranch if it moves, tunicates (or some type of algae) if it stays still. If it's a nudibranch, that's a sea slug that will often eat corals.
Well, I ended up picking the maroon stuff off with tweezers and it appears to have been some type of algae. Anyway, the zoa has flourished since then - covering up the "bald" spot already.