Who is this guy?


Reefing newb
I saw this thing waving around in the sand when I turned the light on today. I watched it work its way out into the current where it eventually caught the end of a crabs shell. It stretched out and when the crab saw it he started to freak out until he fell off the rock he was on.

I tried looking him up, but I still really have no idea.


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i think its a nass snail? if you just saw the tube sticking out of the sand then nass snail is my vote
Not sure what it is, vermitid snails are stationary, so I don't think it is that. They might move if needed though, so really not sure.
I found a picture online of somthing that looks identical. Says its a spaghetti worm. Anyone know anything about them?
I'm taking a few hermits that were sent to me on accident to the LFS. I wonder if I should tell the guy that the crabs are snail murdering bastards. The worm is still on one of their shells so he is going to.

Thanks for all the replies!