Marineland Blues


Do Not Listen To Me!!!
When I set up my tank I purchased a Marineland Pro 72" lighting system.

It has 3x150Watt MH 14,000K 8x39 T5's and 6 LED Moonlights.

When I got it the T5's were out so I called and they sent me an entire new set of bulbs for the whole fixture.

Since that I had an issue with the MH's going out and it blew the same T5's that were originally out.

Like before Marineland is quick to help you.

They sent out a tech that actually just had a totally refurbished and bench tested unit that is newer then the one I had by a year.

Today he came with the unit and put all new bulbs in the unit and we were putting it in place. Well my units legs have and extra piece of plastic that hangs down the side of the tank which in my opinion give it better stability.

This new one have just a flat bottom.

So my leg came off the unit and I am telling him lets take it down, so instead he leaves his side and comes to me and his side with no-one holding it falls in the water.

Not only was this a dumb move by him, what if it damaged my tank or cracked it. I mean this light is not light. It is heavy and basically came down on my supports.

I just got dome saying how I use large levels when working on it alone or when I put in bulbs, etc.

So we take it down and I say I am keeping my original legs which by the way have store bought legs screws because he even admitted the supplied ones suck. I got ones that will never come loose.

I put them on and it fits like a glove because I knew the legs needed to be adjusted to my tank and not the one this light came off of.

So anyway, we get the light up and he dried it off and it is all going so he leaves and I am setting the time and all of a sudden a large spark comes flying out of the corner that hit the water right by the timer. I then smell this nasty metal smell.

So I call and he comes back and tells me to let it dry out and then put a new bulb in because the one T5 was out in that corner.

So just now I changed the bulb and plug it in and pow it pops the bulb instantly.

So now I have a replacement that is worse than the system the guy just took off my tank and no way to get anything done till next week when the guy at Marineland comes back to work.

Sorry to hear this, I had the same exact fixture (without issues) and I'm rather glad I decided to sell it and upgrade to the AI LED's

When he dropped the unit in the water, I wouldn't have let him leave without verifying everything was working
It actually was working ok when he left.

I called him back after the spark flew out of it.

I cannot leave it plugged in when I leave the house and I busted out my fire extinguishers last night but then just pulled the plug.

Right now the lights should be on but I have them unplugged. Now when I leave I have to pull the plug even if it is the middle of the light cycle.

My house has an alarm with fire alarms that call in to a place but why take a chance.

After it instantly blew the T5 bulb I replaced it with I just knew it is done. Good thing I have at least 25+ bulbs Marineland has sent to me over this time period.
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Well I just got a call today from the same technician who dropped my lights in the tank.

He said he has a brand new, not a refurbished light system they sent to him to replace the one he dropped in the water.

I did email corporate because the guy helping me was out was off for 2 weeks while my light was broken.

The Tech says it is brand new but he tossed the shipping box but he has not even installed the legs and could not tell me if they were like mine or the flat sharty kind that cause it to drop in the first place because they are still in the bag.

It even has the strips that slide in the front and he said he left the inserts on the T5 things so I could see it is brand new.

I am happy I guess but I wondered why they had to send it to him first. As long as it has the serial number on it I can't complain. This replacement did not but a new one should.

He said he was told to bench test it for 8 Hours to make sure it was good and I figured since Marineland knows he dropped the light and was already doing my work they would send him the light. Of course he has to pick up the clunker on my tank now.

I can't say for sure why but I have to take him at his word. I am sure he either saw or heard I was pissed the light fell in the water but f that.

Any thoughts?
I would look into it a little.. Call marineland and explain your situation with the tech and see if they can find out if indeed they did send him a new one and if not replace the one that he dropped in the water.. I am sure they can find the tech in your area and find out if they sent one to him for you ..
If their tech dropped my replacement in my tank, and then I had to wait two weeks for the issue to be resolved - I'd be on the phone with the manager at their customer service center demanding an explanation, as well as asking what they were going to do to resolve the issue - that is absolutely rediculous
i would think that if there tech screwed up and damaged the fixture that in 2 hours one would have been sent out not 2 weeks - waiting for a tech on vacation b/s send someone else - some phone calls are in order to let the company know your not happy at all - take it as high as you can get the manager then his manager and so on till someone makes it right
Well it wasn't the Tech it was the Customer Service guy I was dealing with.

I can't dodge this because it is my fault for not contacting an alternative. I wanted to stay with the same Customer Service rep who knew the situation.

Yeah this Tech is kind of cocky and is somewhat demeaning but he is basically the only one in my area according to the Customer Service.

He said he called me a few times and that he expected the light sooner but you know I do not believe it.

I will eventually talk with the original Customer Service guy and find out of the light is new no matter what. I am sure he will find out the day he gets back to his desk what happened.
Ok today I got a reply from Untied Pet Group Costomer Relations.

The lady was very understanding and offered to replace the unit entirely.

She obviously does not know the technician is bringing me what he says are brand new out of the box lights tomorrow but I did tell her.

She also offered to replace them system with LED lights if I wanted them instead.

I basically said yes I would love LEDs but I have not read anything to say that my tank would be supported by their Reef Capable LEDs and that I would like to retain the Pro Lights until I see how my corals do under these lights.

Quite frankly I do not think they will support the tank. I would need 9 - 24"-36" to cover my tank 100%.

I have a 72" tank divided by 3 cross bars. That makes 3 sections of 24"x22" so if the lights are placed front to back it would be 3 per section and they are only 5.25" wide so it leaves roughly 1.5 inches between each unit in each of the 3 squares.

3 units are 24"x15.75 - Crap I could actually fit 4 on each section. That seems like a lot of units in each square but the specs say they are only 5.25 wide.

Anyway 3 or 4 whats the difference if they do not penetrate enough.

I'll keep this thread posted just so people can see they can come through for you to.
Wahhhwahhhhhwehehehehe they suck afterall. She says management considers my warranty satisfied once they bring me this new light.

No way to get the LEDs are try them to see if they will support my tank even though people say they may not.

I replied to tell her to tell management that almost getting my tank destroyed and almost getting electrocuted while setting the timer must be part of the warranty being covered as well and that simply replacing it is not enough for what I have been through.

Oh yeah and that I will be using a different brand hopefully very soon.

Right now Marineland is a joke. Who has a customer go through all that and then slap them in the face.
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Wow! Another big twist in the story.

After I emailed back mad but not at this lady who is helping me, she emailed me today and said it was my lucky day.

Marineland is going to send me 12, that's right 12 24"-36" Reef Capable LED systems to completely cover my 220Gal.

Today I just got a brand new 72" Marineland Pro Series system installed as well and they know it because that is why they said no the first time but they reconsidered.

I will run the LEDs because most of my corals and especially the SPSs are near the top where they will work under these LEDs.

I will have the Pro Series if I see my corals hurting and that goes for any not just all of them.

If anything I can have the Pro Series and 4-6 units running around it. I have enough room.
Most of the success I have seen with the Marineland Reef Capable LED's has been on shallower tanks. I've seen the units in person and for a 1 Watt fixture I dont think they have a high enough LED density to be used in deeper tanks

That being said, it sounds like you're making out okay - you could probably sell the new pro fixture and the new LED's to upgrade to whatever you want if that's the route you decide to take.

I started out the hobby with this fixture, and after a year I decided to upgrade - and I am totally glad that I have
WOW!... good thing you were keeping on top of it!!

Hope it all works out.

wait until they send you a 1099-MISC for all the "free" LED lights... hahaha just kidding

Well it is too good to be true.

The lady emailed me back and said they were thinking 2 units. I mean common seriously do they know 2 units would not even cover a 220Gal.

I think they see they are 24"-36" and figure 2x36=72. They dont realize the 6" of no linghts on the ends of each unit.

They also don't listen when I tell them I have 2 braces and they are 22" apart and not one dead center at 36".

They also don't listen when I tell them they cannot be mounted side by side horizontally and share a brace because the legs won't allow it.

It is if I am talking to idiots. The longest unit the sell is 60" and that is with 6" of dead space on the sides as well.

I sent them diagrams showing how to fully cover the tank and how LEDs do not spread far enough to have 6" gaps.

I emailed them back and resent the diagrams and reexplained my points and said I could get by with 9 units at the least. I am going to take whatever the most the will send me but I will have to try to make custom mounts because none of the fit horizontally on my tank without major gaps.

I can somehow mount them in back and in front of the Pro System as supplemental lighting for the higher corals.

My tank in 24" front to back. The 24"-36" units they sell are actually 24" long and extend to 36" with of course no light for 6" on each side so at 24" they fit pefect back to front on my tank.

Check out my diagram and you will see what I mean.

In the end I am taking something for sure.


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Well it is finally over! Marineland is sending me 4 of their 24"-36" Reef Capable LED systems. I can't complain since that is $1,000 to buy.

I know most people say you cannot grow anything under them but I have also read many post of people who have success using them.

I am just going to use the along with my MH and T5's as a supplement. The rating on them up to 12" is actually not bad and good as far as I think so most of my corals are near the top or about 8"-12" from the top and my Acros and Pocillioporus are the highest at 6" s they will surely benefit from the as supplemental use of these lights.

I do not think I can fit all 4 units on my tank with my Marineland Pr Series lights but I am sure I can get at least 2 of them on it. I wil try to get 3 but I may not be able to mount them safely.

I may build a custom mount to hole them. I was going to put them toward the front of the tank but the SPS are near the back sort of but high up of course so maybe I will put them in the back. I see no point to have them in front if they are in the way and not lighting the corals.

If the corals do not get any better after a month or two or I see regression they will move to the front just for looks. The tank is going to be very bright with these not matter what.

My system has 8 Actinics and the 3 14,000k MH so it is only real blue prior and after the MH go to work so these will surely take the blue down some.
Ok just a note to anyone who stumbles upon this thread and gives a shart.

I just got in the mail yesterday my 4 24"-36" Marinland Reef Ready LEDs woot woot. They make a great addition to the current lighting and really make the tank even brighter.

Sucks that have a click switch and can't just change to blue only at night.