War Coral Turned White


Reefing newb
So I finally got my order from saltcritters.com. I got two ricordea, acan, a war coral, and green montipora. They have been in the tank for 4 days now, but the montipora and the war coral have suddenly turned white. Are they dying? Not getting enough light? I dont have pictures yet. Have to find what the baby did with the camera.

Water params are good
Temp is normal

Lighting setup is:
4 t5s with individual reflectors
2 bulbs blue plus
1 purple
1 actinic
and 1 24" royal blue stunner strip
Yes Im looking for my camera now. These are my first corals. I was reading another post about if white around the edges maybe new growth. But these are not white around the edges, the whole thing has turned white. I have them placed at the bottom of my tank too directly on sand bed, to acclimate to my lights.
yeah, it sounds like your doing everything correctly. i have always been impressed with saltcritters stuff. was it white when you got it? and how long was it in shipping
Yes they were my first order from them, I was extremely impressed with there packing. I didn't quite know what to expect never having ordered corals from the mail. It was amazing they came next day delivery ( I think they are from Indiana so they are right next door for me) It wasnt too cold out either, somewhat the warmest days of last week. The war coral had amazing colors on it when I recieved it. It really looked good under the royal blues. The green Monti did have some green in it, a little white around the edges.
Thank You. I will keep that in mind next time. I didnt know actually how long and didnt want to stress the corals being in December.

And for water params I meant:
pH: 8
Ammonia: 0ppm
Nitrite: 0ppm
Nitrate: 0ppm
Salinity: 1.025

I dont have any other tests yet.
Those numbers look good but, now that you have stoney corals you'll need to test for calcium, Alk, and mag and phosphates. It's possible that one of those are too low or too high which could cause the bleaching. Also, with the shipping it's always better to err on the side of caution especially when sending fragile living things in the middle of December.
Sorry about the bad photos. They wouldnt take without being blurry. The daylights are actually on but just turned the lighting setting down on the camera. First photo is of the monti. It is in the middle between the candy cane and ricordea. Second photo is of war coral. Kind of in the middle of the rock. I think I need a new camera for christmas.


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