clown and nem for 20g?


newbie reefer
We have a 20 gallon tall tank and just lost a tank raised clown(from LFS) :( He has been swimming lathargicly the past week or so and would stay towards the top of the tank. I found him next to a pump this morning. We have 2 medium sized stalks of Anthelia, and a round rock of Zoa's. Would a paired up clown and anemonie be a good addition? There is only an angelfish, snails, and hermits in there now.


  • ph.webp
    40 KB · Views: 380
before I would put them in what is your lighting? how long has the tank been up? How much movement do you have in the tank? All these are very important when deciding on putting a nem in... If all those check out I see no reason if you want one, not to put it in.. :D
Remember a clown doesnt need a nem and a nem doesnt need a clown and there is no certainty that they will host it...
Thank you LF, I know he needs a bigger home, :-D I was thinking of putting him in my 55 g at home he's a good swimmer. This tank was purchased off of an employee at the LFS and it was running for a year and a half. There is a nice white BTA with clown for sale at the LFS. That clown would host in the same Nem when transfered and placed in my tank right?

Oh and I have an Odyssea 4 bulb T5 lighting, two nano korilia's and a 660 pump for circulation along with a filterless HOB bio-wheel-less filter with carbon & GFO.
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I would assume so. It could take a while before they do it immediately though, At least thats what Ive seen from a few people. My clowns hosted their nem within hours so if the clown already hosts it I would say the chances are higher
There's no such thing as a healthy white anemone. An anemone that is white has expelled all it's zooxanthellae either due to stress or poor conditions. There is a higher chance of it dying then surviving in your tank.
There's no such thing as a healthy white anemone. An anemone that is white has expelled all it's zooxanthellae either due to stress or poor conditions. There is a higher chance of it dying then surviving in your tank.

Not to split hairs but wasnt our POTM a month or two ago a picture of a clownfish in a white anemone? Either it was supposed to be that color, wasnt a nem, or we looked like jack asses to anyone who saw that picture and thought "they are promoting unhealthy reefing?!?"
I do remember seeing that on the wall for a while, i posted this pic just as is in the photography page. I was unaware that if they were white it was in bad shape. I thought possibly this one was a different type. Learn something new everyday.
Not to split hairs but wasnt our POTM a month or two ago a picture of a clownfish in a white anemone? Either it was supposed to be that color, wasnt a nem, or we looked like jack asses to anyone who saw that picture and thought "they are promoting unhealthy reefing?!?"

Yep, there certainly was and he's been told his nem doesn't look good. I thought it was a nice picture but, I didn't vote for it since it showed something unhealthy. That's like voting for a picture of a beautiful tang covered in ich.
"Your nem looks terrible, but in a pretty way, POTM goes to you good sir"

In any case, if that picture you have is of the nem, I am thinking it looks ok, it looks green to me. But Ill be honest Ive taken pictures of my nem that completely wash it out.
The fact such a blatantly sick animal won POTM bothers me more than I can express.

No offense to anyone here, but Ill be honest that should have been something the mods put in the rules. If its sick, dont enter it, no matter how "pretty" it looks. For something that sat up there for a month and was the face of LR....POTM should promote health and responsible reefing. just my :twocents:. Again, like I said, no offense to anyone. Its just someone new to the hobby could very easily have seen that picture and thought that was the picture of health.....
To my eternal disappointment I cant disqualify pictures on the basis of whether or not the animal is healthy or not.

But you have to give the guy some credit, that is actually an old photo of the nem and since then he has gotten it get some color back.
To my eternal disappointment I cant disqualify pictures on the basis of whether or not the animal is healthy or not.

But you have to give the guy some credit, that is actually an old photo of the nem and since then he has gotten it get some color back.

Maybe that should be a new rule........I give him credit, Ive seen a few of my friends take in unhealthy nems to nurse them back to health.

Done sidetracking the thread now.