Water Test


Reefing newb
After losing my fish due to an issue I talked about in a previous post, my tank has been empty for two weeks now. With the exception of a goby, sea urchin, few snails and two shrimp. Hereis a picture of todays water test results. What would need to change before I could add a new fish? I plan on doing a water change tomorrow with water from the new Ro/Di unit i just got.


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My tank has been empty for two weeks now. With the exception of a goby, sea urchin, few snails and two shrimp.

So its not empty...
How can you have an exception for something being empty, it either is or not..
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I would do water changes to get the nitrates down, but it really hard to see from the picture what your other levels are at. I dont think you have any ammonia, so you might be ok to start to SLOWLY restock your tank. Remember, its one fish for every 10 gallons, and wait at least 3 weeks between additions.