Stumbled on this over at Advanced Aquarist

Really? This almost seems to good to be true! At only $199, I'd for sure get one as long as reviews hold up!
Can be done! :D
but jeez i think i need to get me one of these!! :lol:

Actually, the longest distance a USB cable can send data is only 5 meters. You can extend that but, every 5 meters you'd have to add in a powered USB hub.
Looks pretty cool, and the price is definitely a winner. However, that CaliReefer dude makes some strong arguments in the responses section at the bottom.
Looks pretty cool, and the price is definitely a winner. However, that CaliReefer dude makes some strong arguments in the responses section at the bottom.

+1 I'd rather see it with a nitrate and phos sensor then ammonia. Also, the product performs functions that would require it to be mounted in different places. For example to measure the PAR it would have to be in the DT but, since a many many reefers run sumps if you wanted it to monitor your water level you'd have to place it in the return section.

I'm interested in seeing a review for it but, I still think I'd rather put the money towards a full blown controller.
Its going to start a new wave of products i think. Kinda like how everything starts out, like lighting for your tank....this is somthing thats a start to something GREAT. Like Brian said id be willing to see some reveiws and maybe get one. IVe always wondered why there wasnt an easier way to keep a constant check of your major param's, DARE i say it, Amm,PH,Nitrate,Nitrite,Cal,KH,Mag.......someone please make this! lol...oh and temp, and salinity.... =p
Its going to start a new wave of products i think. Kinda like how everything starts out, like lighting for your tank....this is somthing thats a start to something GREAT. Like Brian said id be willing to see some reveiws and maybe get one. IVe always wondered why there wasnt an easier way to keep a constant check of your major param's, DARE i say it, Amm,PH,Nitrate,Nitrite,Cal,KH,Mag.......someone please make this! lol...oh and temp, and salinity.... =p

The Apex does alot of that. They come out of the box with the Temp and Ph probes, and you can add on. not to mention it is a controller, so you can control whatever is plugged into it remotely.
Hello everyone! I have a Seneye Reef version (has more features, my tank is freshwater). It comes with one 30 day consumable slide and 1 month of Seneye +. With a subscription to Seneye + ($30 for 3 additional 30 day slides) you also get email and SMS alerts and web access (smartphone also) to your water parameters with online graphing. I spoke with the lads at Seneye (in the U.K) and they said that they hope within 6 months the device will also be ready to monitor Nitrates, Nitrites, Chlorine, Carbonate Hardness and General Hardness. It's already part of the current software, a new "digistrip" will need to be added to the current device. They are also working on a wireless sending unit that you would plug the device into instead of your computer's USB. You can also face the unit's light sensor (on back) towards your lights and move it around and at different depths to check PAR, LUX and Kelvin allegedly. Not having corals etc. I haven't had a need to play with this feature yet. If you call Seneye they actually answer the phone and will help you. Try that with most companies! They also answer emails within hours, not days! Personally, I think it's a cool device with potential to get even better and Seneye's customer service can't be beat! Will be nice to keep an eye on my tank while I'm on Christmas vacation. Someone will be home to address any issues. Since I'm far from a freshwater expert and love gadgets I think it's worth it. In case you're wondering the reason I'm here it's because I want to learn all I can about FOWLR. My friend is converting his 20 gallon to saltwater. His wife wants clownfish thanks to "Finding Nemo"! We both started our freshwater tanks around the same time. I did the research, he chose to wing it. He lost everything. My tank is thriving. I want to learn so his new tank does not suffer the same fate! Tanks for listening. :)


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The Apex does alot of that. They come out of the box with the Temp and Ph probes, and you can add on. not to mention it is a controller, so you can control whatever is plugged into it remotely.
A monitor sounds nice but personally I would have to lean toward a means of controlling my tank. Most controllers have graphing options, and you can find some with email and iphone alerts as well as wireless capabilities. The cost may be higher but having my system controlled rather than just monitored would give me alot more peace of mind.
Update: It appears the honeymoon is over! Seneye device can't accurately measure pH to save it's life! The guys at Seneye are nice and they try to help but.... As of today, my opinion is Seneye rushed their product to market and anyone who buys one for around $218 U.S. is a beta tester!
Ok, what am I missing? :dunno:

I already have a controller which monitors PH and Temp.
So other than the Ammonia (which established tanks typically don't need to keep track of), what other features are so great?

I guess if you didn't have a need for a controller, this would be of some use.

EDIT: if it can ACCURATELY implement monitoring of all the other things KISSfn mentioned, that would be better.