Identification help please


Reefing newb
Hoping someone can help. I almost bought the attached coral (the yellow one) today thinking it was a corrallimorph, closer inspection made me think it wasn't.

The LFS wasn't entirely sure what it was which is unusual as the shop is usually really good, and I wasn't keen on buying an unidentified coral.

Its yellow in colour with a green tinge in some angles. It has what seems to be multiple mouths (which is why I didn't think it was a morph), other wise it looks like a morph.

So, can anyone ID it for me? I love the colour and would love to get it.......if I can work out what it is.


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I always thought this was a Long Polyp Leather. The polyps are normally a lot longer than in the photo.


Whats in the shop really drapes over the rock in the way a morph would. If it is a leather though, I'm going back to get it.
Thanks to the leather suggestion, a bit of research seems to have narrowed this down to Sinularia dura, or Cabbage Leather.

Seems to be a good fit to my tank, so hopefully its still at the LFS.
Back to square one in the search then.

I've found a lot of photos of leathers that look similar, but they all seem to have a lot more polyps than this one.

Resisting the temptation at the moment to just go in and buy it.
Nah, not a fan of getting something only to watch it die a slow death because it's not suitable.

I wish I got a better photo.
There are quite a few different leathers. It definitely is not a cabbage, or a toadstool. Not all leathers are completely covered in polyps either.
It is a toadstool leather. They are very easy to keep!:D

Are you referring to the first or second photo? The toadstool in the second photo has been in my tank for 18 months and has doubled in size.

It's the yellow coral in the first photo I am trying to identify. Concensus seems to be a leather, just not sure what sort.
Are you referring to the first or second photo? The toadstool in the second photo has been in my tank for 18 months and has doubled in size.

It's the yellow coral in the first photo I am trying to identify. Concensus seems to be a leather, just not sure what sort.

It may be is a lobophytum or devil's hand leather coral. They are just about as easy to take care of as toadstools.