clownfish swimming sideways & upwards


Reefing newb
I just got two clownfish last night (I don't have any fish just corals). I didn't feed them anything last night, they were swimming fine this morning. When I got back from work, they looked fine, I fed them some mysis shrimp. Right after I fed them, I noticed one started swimming towards the surface, then sideways, spinning, also I saw him briefly laying flat on the powerhead, now he's disappeared in the rocks, I'm assuming he's dead somewhere but I can't find him. The other one seems to be doing fine, swimming normally, any ideas what could have happened? I'm fairly new to this and have had my share of problems with this tank. Thanks
That's normal for clowns, they are well ... clowns. They have the weirdest swimming patterns and habits you'll ever see.
Clowns act weird. Unless they don't respond to poking they are probably fine.

Mine sleeps on the powerhead LOL
He's just a small fish in a pretty big tank, you'd be surprised how small of a space some of these fish can fit into. Also, he's only been in your tank for a day, most fish will hide for a couple days after being added to a new tank.
+1 BL!

CMS, I was having the same thoughts as you when I first got my pair of clowns. One decided he liked the overflow box and would swim vertically in one spot and not move. The other decided the liked the back corner of the tank and wouldn't move. Now both are swimming sideways at the very top of the tank at the water line. But atleast they are eating good. Needless to say nothing they do now would suprise me lol. They are .... well.... clowns lol. I am sure he is probably just hiding in your rock somewhere.
So it's been a couple of days now since my clownfish went MIA, I fed them yesterday, and he didn't come out, so I'm assuming he's definetely dead somewhere, the other one looks good, although he's beginning to hang out in the corner a little now. I only have the one clownfish, my question is, will he be OK alone for a while? I have put in 2 blood shrimp and two clown fish, the 2 shrimp died and now the clownfish, so I'm holding off for now...
Here's a picture of my tank. Three months ago I went on vacation and there was a pretty bad storm which blew out my battery backup/surge protector and shut down the whole tank. It took about a day or two before anyone noticed, so everything pretty much basically, everything in this tank (not the equipment, that survived) is new, only 3 corals made it...(the worse looking ones in the tank), any ideas why things may be dying? anything I should change?


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Take a look at the questions here and post back the answers:

Your corals look good in the FTS, so I doubt something is amiss with your water parameters. How did you acclimate the clowns? How long has it been since you have seen them? Its not uncommon for fish to hide in the rocks for several days after being added to a tank - it is a VERY stressful process for them
Tank parameters:

pH: 8.0
NO3: 20 PPM

I've had a few small water changes done in a short amount of time, I guess because of the high calcium, I've got a few snails that actually survived (I haven't added any), no other inhabitants
I only added two clowns, one looks fine, I acclimated them for about 20 minutes or so, I haven't seen the one for about a day and a half
It's a 90 gal tank with sump, I've got a phosphate reactor, lights are 48" solar xtreme T5, lights run for 8 hours a day
Any ideas?