Good or Bad? Just appeared a few days ago...


Reefing newb
Is this little guy good or bad? See pic... Thanks!


  • 20111024_141657.jpg
    41.4 KB · Views: 314
Bad!!...It looks to be an Aiptasia or "Glass Anemone". Almost everyone in this hobby considers them to be fast-multiplying pests that sting neighboring corals. I used "Aiptasia X" to rid my tank of them. If it gets a chance to multiply, you could end up with a real problem on your hands.
Trying to remove it may end up in it spread even more, by releasing spores into the water.
I vote Aiptasia X too
Wife his headed to LFS to purchase right now.... I appreciate the feedback... I guess I will zap it later... Have to read the directions before hand, for removal...
My vote is for pep shrimp, They showed up in my tank a few weeks ago. Two peppermint shrimp and 3 days and they were gone. Havent seen any sign of them since.
Wife his headed to LFS to purchase right now.... I appreciate the feedback... I guess I will zap it later... Have to read the directions before hand, for removal...
A man reading directions?? Amazing. That's a once in a lifetime sighting. Like discovering a yeti in the woods.
Glad you killed the sucker. Now you're a trained aiptasia slayer.