rose bubble tip anemone?


they call me fish geek ;p
I've had my tank up and running since the end of march. So its been roughly seven months. I've been thinking about in a few months if I want to add a rbta to my tank. A lot of you know the info on my tank already but its a 29 gallon reef tank. No sump, weekly water changes, Rio skimmer, two clowns one six line wrasse. I have a maxi mini Anemone currently and has been thriving. Hasn't moved since I got him. Would it be a good idea to add one? Of I do are there any precautions I should take such as powerheads and stinging of other corals. I really love Anemones but they make me nervous with stinging corals and powerheads. My maxi mini has been a gem and doesn't worry me at all but I've read that bta's like to wander a bit.
I will give you advice based on my experience. BTA's are the easiest anemones to keep. Honestly they are just happy little creatures. I do not have a sump either I do weekly water changes and my BTA has been fine for a couple of months now. The BTA also has a very mild sting so honestly I wouldnt be the least bit concerned about it stinging anything else. Now I am not sure what the rule is on how many nems per gallon however 2 in there...I think you would be fine personally. As long as your water parameters are stable, you have the lighting for it, and you dont get to lax between water changes I dont really see a reason why it should be an issue. BTA also are one of the nems that host the most variety of fish, only really matched by the sebae nem I think it is which hosts something like 29 different kinds of fish. I think there is a high probability that your clowns would love it thereby making your care of it go from easy to just really looking at it. Thats my two cents but like I said it is based on my tank experience.
personally, i would say no, i dont think you have strong enough lighting for a rbta marineland reefcapables sometimes have a hard time keeping light demanding lps corals, so i would think a nem wouldnt be a good idea. maby start with a cheaper bubble tip, and if it survives sell it and buy the more expensive rbta
I would see if you can successful keep the SPS corals first, if you can keep a variety of them, then i think you would have a better chance of handling a nem.
Okay when I go to the frag swap I'm gonna look for a sps and see how that goes. I know a lot of people don't think my lighting is good enough I I do only have beginner corals now but my corals have been doing awesome with it. Both my hammer and frogspawn have turned into two and my hammer is growing two more heads. But I deff don't wanna get that rbta and have it suffer or die so ill try out the sps first. Thanks for all the input!
I agree, the fact that you've kept the Maxi-mini is a good sign but, try something that demands higher lighting but, won't break the bank if it dies on you. Since you said you were going to try it in a few months it won't be a big deal to wait, especially when you'll be spending $90+ on one.
On the BTA, the good thing about them is they are the easiest hosting nem to acclimate and keep in our tanks. The only anemones that naturally host occelaris in the wild are H. Magnifica, S. Gigantea, and S. Mertensii, so there is a chance that your clowns will never have any interest in it. However, out of all the nems that don't naturally host them I've heard more stories about them taking to BTAs then any other. If you do decide to get one, Good Luck!
Yes I'm giving myself time to think about it some more and see how the sps does. I wouldn't mind if my clowns don't host it. Anemones in themselves are beautiful and interesting creatures. Plus I get paid bi weekly so ill have to save up my money for it. So that soon make me have to wait lol
Yea I'm a bit afraid of the wandering bc of my powerheads..I don't want nem soup in my tank..I have a 75 gallon fresh tank but there's fish I there that I can't part with :)
I have a green bta right now that I've had for almost a year I think. It started out in a 28 gallon and only moved a bit when I first put it in the tank. Since it's been in my 33 gallon it's moved about 5 inches in total but only from one side of the rock it started on to the other and that was after I changed the direction of my powerheads a little. It seems to like a pretty gentle flow that it can stretch itself out into to catch food and light. And I'm not sure how your led lighting compares to my t5 ho but the anem is just below the middle of the tank which is about 13" from the light in my tank and is really happy and healthy there. Hope that helps you.
I have three nems in the tank now.. started with one then got given a 13 sabae then my bta decided he wanted to split.. the first one did move on me a bit but not for long and has been in the same spot now for a year or so. the sabae was the worst or should I say the clowns hosting it were.. what a mess they made getting him settled in, but now the clowns take care of all three for me.. :D you can see how close the ones that split stayed, there foot are just touching eachother


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you know I am not even sure, all he said was sebae and never asked or looked it up ..:grumble: maybe you know from the pic, keep me from trying to find it..:bowdown: