Help!! My Zenia's Fell of frag


Reefing newb
I just bought four new zenia frags yesterday and they all have broken off there fragged rock they came on. What should I do??? I will go take pics and post them in just a sec. :question:
You can glue them back onto the rock using super glue. I've never had much luck getting the super glue to work myself, but many others will tell you that it works
Heres the pics

first ones breaking off frag, and second one is now MIA


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Yeah, use super glue GEL to attach them back. Place them on the sand bed out of flow if you can for about a week. Then move them up.
Eventually, they'll attach somewhere else and start growing (which you may not want) if the super glue gel doesn't work, try using a rubberband to attach them to the piece of rock.
Thanks guys. Im now at a point of not knowing what to do. I went and bought the super glue gel, BUT where the stalks that I would glue them too broke off the frag and theres nothing but the fat body. IM so upset right now.
well thats how they reproduce so just let it be the branches will grow back and wherever the other stalks fell theyll grow as well.

how did you acclimate them btw?
I got them from a local guy who seels frags to LFS, cut out the middle guy. Gave a great deal all Four for $15. I acclimated them for around 45 mins before i put them in. They looked great last night actually opened up and were pulsating. This morning they were coming offf the frags and one was MIA. I took all them out and re super glued them back to there rocks, put them in a solo cup and set in the bottom of the tank so the flow couldnt hit them as much!! I Hope it works!!
any opions or other ways, maybe I did it wrong. The local guy told me if they didnt make it he would give me some GSP in trade since they didnt keep like he promised
So just an update on my Zenia, well i super glued them yesterday and all was fine till this A.M when I woke up. they all came off again. Im Stumped.
Any other suggestions
so I talked to a LFS and they told me to put some rock in a small solo cup and put the Zenia's in the small cup sit in bottom of tank and let them just attach themselves. So I'll try that today!!!
How does that sound any opions??
sounds fine. Whenever I fragged my xenia i would actually sew them to the rock or plug. Given a few days in a low flow area, they would attach and then later i would cut the strings off.
sounds fine. Whenever I fragged my xenia i would actually sew them to the rock or plug. Given a few days in a low flow area, they would attach and then later i would cut the strings off.

Yup, use some thread and wrap the Zenia onto the rock. Move it to low flow and let it be for about a week. You could also use a rubber band, just be sure it's not to tight fitting.