Questions On My Mushroom!


Reefing newb
Oh k So I bought a new piece a week and a half ago, it was a Mushroon and soo zoos on a Rock. LFS told me that the mushrrom might not come out for a few days. Well actually he came right out as soon as I put him in. Now day 5 he has went into hiding ( Im guessing). Two days ago my snail got on top of him and bent him ove touching the sand. I pulled off the snail and he straightened right up. Im still yet to see his lil tentacles come back out. Im feeding him and the Zoos phyto every three to four days like I was toldby my LFS. My Zoos started out with 4 heads and now has gone crazy with new heads every day it seems. I downloaded some pics of them.
Please let me know what you think. The Mushroon still has same color as when I bought him.
Thanks in advance.
Here are some Pics


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thats not a mushroom thats a toadstool leather coral, and thats normal when their stressed just let em be and hell be fine, hell probable molt in your tank as hit gets used to it , as long as its not breaking up or sliming its ok, also they are somewhat photosynthethic so bring him up a little in your tank closer to the lights, from what ive read toadstool have their moment (lasting days to week) before they open up with their tentacles

damn ninjad lol
Thanks JCeg. I have a small 6 gallon its in heres a pic of whole Tank.

Light is only maybe 12 inches from him. Lemme know if thats to far away still. Like I said he did fine first three, to four days ate when I feed him. Then just went into hiding. If i move it up will the Zoo be okay like that???

And thanks for correction on the true name. All along I thought it was a Mushroom


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Yeah I Do water changes every week to week and a half. I add premixed saltwater with all nutrients in it and add R/O water in between. I have to keep lid cracked or it gets to hot. So i get alot of evaperation. Well for such a small tank. The big tank will be up soon. I have everything but lights, sand, and all my live rock.